Chapter 53 Chun Brings Color

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       Lin Luo didn't take this episode seriously, took the second piece of jade from Xing Mo's hand, and started to untie it.

  The employees of the energy company who came over to see the situation saw that he was still going to continue to dismantle the stone, so they stayed to see the situation. The bets here have been raised several times in a row, and there may be surprises if they wait and see.

  This is a piece of wool with a white salt sand shell. The gravel does not look so fine, and it is a bit yellowish. In fact, it is not a good performance. There are also band-shaped and lump-shaped black ringworms on the corners. , very shocking. As the saying goes, green follows black. There is a high possibility that green will appear in places with black ringworm. However, it may also affect the jadeite inside.

  Lin Luo carefully identified the distribution patterns and characteristics of the black ringworm, and believed that there was a high possibility of green inside, and the black ringworm did not extend deeply, plus the appearance of the white salt sand crust, so he thought it was a piece of Wool worth gambling on. Of course, in the end he also proved his judgment with his special abilities.

       He is really grateful for his special ability, which allows him not to take too many detours. Every time he looks at a gambling stone, it is a kind of learning for him, and he does not need to cut the wool like others. , to prove your inference. He is like a sponge, desperately absorbing and learning knowledge related to wool, and integrating the knowledge he learned from books into practice.

  When unraveling this piece of wool, Lin Luo first chose to polish the stone. This job was relatively delicate, so there was no way to be lazy and use the automatic mode. He controlled the grinding wheel and aimed it at the area with the most black spots.

  As the outer shell was gradually rubbed away, the black mist layer was slowly exposed. Black fog varies in thickness and can easily contaminate the foundation, causing the surface to run off and the foundation to turn gray. However, it may also produce high-green fog, which is a very dangerous fog.

  "It's up, it's up!" At this time, cheers came from the other stone dissolving machines. Those who had stayed to see the situation were immediately attracted to that side.

  "Xiao Luo, ignore them, we will definitely win the bet!" He Kun encouraged Lin Luo from the side.

  Lin Luo chuckled and shook his head. He didn't care at all whether there were people around him. Anyway, he knew the condition of this piece of wool.

       Lin Luo continued to rub it down, and slowly the color came out, but this color was lighter, a little gray, and there were black ringworms in the jade flesh.

  He Kun immediately became worried when he saw this. On the one hand, he was afraid that the background color of the jadeite was not very good, and on the other hand, he was afraid that the black ringworm would penetrate deep into the jade flesh, causing ringworm, which would destroy the jadeite inside. This piece of wool was bought for a million dollars!

  Lin Luo didn't feel his friend's worry at all. He replaced the chrome knife and started cutting down layer by layer.

  The cut parts are basically light gray jadeite with black ringworm. As it goes deeper, the black color finally disappears, and the color inside is finally revealed. It is translucent light-colored jadeite with water head. It looks pretty good, with the color of glass, but because the outer layer is wrapped with a stone layer, it affects the light transmittance, and it is unclear what color and planting water it is.

  "Looking at the water head, it should be pretty good. Come on, Xiao Luo!" He Kun encouraged Lin Luo from the side. Even if it was a white background, he could get back half of the cost. At least he didn't need to worry about losing too much.

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