Chapter 11 The Waxy Red Jade

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       When Xing Mo received Wang Ze's message, he had already seen Lin Luo coming in with a piece of wool, so he temporarily put down what he was doing and came to help Lin Luo.

       The two curious guests followed them into the backyard, and then the old man from before also came in. The large number of people made Lin Luo a little nervous.

  Xing Mo helped him put the wool on the stone calcining machine, and then asked in a low voice, "Should we cut it directly or rub it first?"

  Lin Luo put his hand on the wool and could clearly see that the bright red halo was gathered in the lower half of the wool, so he replied, "Just cut it."

  "Okay." Xing Mo tilted the wool of the black sand shell slightly to make it easier for Lin Luo to cut, and then gave Lin Luo the position to remove the stone.

  Lin Luo took a deep breath, held down the chrome knife, and moved the knife toward the position he was interested in.

  Although such a cutting method of cutting in two seems a bit reckless, the shell of black sand leather and wool has no special performance that can be used as a basis for judgment. The possibility of betting on the increase is actually very small, so it doesn’t matter how you cut it. It doesn't matter anymore.

  After Lin Luo finished cutting, Xing Mo immediately helped pour water. Everyone hurriedly looked over, but only saw a thick layer of black mist exposed on the cut surface.

  "Wow, it's black mist..."

       The emergence of black fog makes the possibility of the price of this piece of black sand leather shell wool becoming even smaller. Black fog, like black sand leather shell, is also a fog layer that is very difficult to judge. Black fog is easy to cause the skin to run off and contaminate the material, making the material gray, but there is also a certain possibility of high emerald green. Some people who like excitement especially like to gamble on black mist. Even though they lose nine times out of ten, they can make a lot of money as long as they win once.

  Although everyone was not very optimistic about this piece of wool, they still did not leave. After all, there is still a one-ninth chance that the price will increase, right?

  Lin Luo didn't care what others thought. He focused all his attention on the piece of wool in front of him. He replaced the chrome knife with a grinding wheel and began to slowly wipe away the fog layer.

  At this moment, some customers who entered the store wanting to buy wool were attracted by the sound of dissolving stones coming from the backyard. One after another, more than a dozen people were already standing in the yard.

  Those who had just arrived found that they were unpacking a piece of material with a completely black outer shell and black mist inside. They all stood aside and watched with interest.

  As the grinding wheel rolls, the mysterious veil of emerald hidden under the black mist is finally revealed, and a bright red color jumps out.

  "Red?! It's actually red?!" The people standing nearby exclaimed when they saw this.

       "It's up! This is a huge increase!"

  "Little brother! Do you want to sell this cut piece of wool?! I'm willing to pay 50,000 credits!" Someone with a quick mind immediately started bidding, hoping to sell this piece of wool that might be sold to Gao Cui. Buy it.

  Some people couldn't stand his behavior, "You're kidding, this is red jade! You want to buy it for only 50,000 yuan? Aren't you trying to trick people?!"

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