Chapter 5 Twist of Fate

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        Lin Luo feels in a trance When he heard someone moving him, his ears were filled with noisy sounds, which made his head hurt even more. He wanted to ask these people to be quiet, but before he could speak, he passed out again.

  When he woke up again, it was already three days later. After he regained consciousness, he no longer felt the severe pain. Instead, he felt a warm and light feeling. His whole body seemed to be soaked in warm water, and the pores all over his body seemed to be opened for comfort.

  After he opened his eyes, he found that he was lying in a transparent cover. The cover was filled with a large amount of light blue liquid. After he woke up, all the liquid was removed, and the transparent cover was also removed. Opened.

  As soon as Lin Luo sat up, a round medical robot slid over from the corner, holding a white towel and a folded hospital gown on its mechanical arm.

  Lin Luo took the towel and clothes from the robot's hands, smiled and said to the little robot, "Thank you."

        The little robot's electronic eyes flashed with signals of pleasure, and then silently retreated to its original position.

        After Lin Luo dried his body and put on his clothes, he began to look at the room. He knew that he should be in a high-end clinic, because this place was much more advanced than the public hospital he had been to. He knew very well how badly he was injured at the time, but now he couldn't feel the pain at all. He couldn't even find any scars on his body. Even the scars from a fall when he was a child had disappeared. This was all because of that. Thanks to the light blue advanced repair fluid. The most a public hospital can do is perform an operation on him to save his life, but they will not provide him with such meticulous treatment.

  It's just that the cost of treatment at this level is not something he can afford. High-end clinics are not charitable and not everyone can enter. Moreover, if he cannot pay the medical expenses, it is absolutely impossible to lose money to him. for treatment.

  So the reason why he appeared here must be that someone used their connections to send him to a high-end clinic and pay for his medical expenses.

  Could it be...the young master of the Xing family?

  Of all the people Lin Luo knew, only Xing Mo could do this.

  After you go out, you must find a way to thank him properly.

  At this moment, the door to the ward was opened, and two doctors in white coats walked in.

  "Mr. Lin, do you still feel any discomfort in your body now?" The doctor at the high-end clinic asked him about his physical condition kindly, which was completely different from the impatient attitude of doctors in public hospitals.

  "I just have a little headache, but nothing else. I think there should be no problem with my body."

  "Mr. Lin, there is something we have to tell you." After hearing this, the two doctors looked at each other and said to him .

  "Please tell me."

  "After the meteorite exploded, your entire back was severely injured. We took out more than a hundred fragments of various sizes from your body. Three of them were from the back of your head. After we confirmed and scanned that there is no foreign matter left in your body, we sent you to the repair cabin."

  "Now that the fragments have been removed, are there any problems?"

        Two doctors He continued, "This time the meteorite was caused by the accidental collision of two asteroids that were garbage stars. Therefore, those meteorites contained a large amount of harmful substances to the human body and contained strong radiation. Two injured people have died. Due to complications, your brain was severely irradiated, so we thought you would not be able to survive..."

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