Part 22

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Taehyung was laying on the bed , lost in his own thoughts . leeara entered and noticed that Taehyung was lost in something . she called " Taehyung " he didn't replied . she went near him and waved her hand in front of his eyes . Taehyung came out of his thoughts and asked " ah ! did you said something " 

leeara asked " unable to sleep or what " Taehyung smiled and said " just waiting for you "  leeara raised her brows in shock and asked " waiting for me !! " Taehyung hummed . leeara laid beside him and asked " did you missed me " Taehyung looked into her eyes and said nothing . leeara sighed and looked at her phone . 

Taehyung said in low tone " can I ask you something " 

leeara hummed while scrolling her phone . Taehyung asked " why did you choose me when you know that I love someone else . " leeara looked at him with blank expression on her face . Taehyung continued " what if I was never written in your fate "

leeara looked into his eyes and said " I'm leeara , I get whatever I want and I'll fight with my fate until the very end " 

Taehyung asked looking into her eyes " what if still I can't be part of your life " 

leeara said straight " I'll stop "

Taehyung asked " you'll stop what .... fighting ?"

leeara smiled and said " no . living "

Taehyung didn't expected this answer from her . his eyes filled with tears and soon he turned to other side while saying " I'm feeling sleepy , I should sleep now " 

leeara looked at him with pout on her face . 


next morning 

leeara and Taehyung were getting ready to leave and lee jong suk brough a basket full of chocolates and gave to leeara . leeara's face was filled with sparkles seeing chocolates . leeara love chocolates , she hate sweets but the only sweet she love is chocolates . she hugged her dad by saying " love you dad " 

they said good bye to everyone and started their journey . Taehyung said " I'll drop you at house and go to my office " leeara sighed and said " you are getting late , lets go to your office . I'll come with you " 

leeara and Taehyung entered his office . leeara laid on the couch in his office and Taehyung smiled at her before looking into his laptop . after five minutes , office door got opened showing a familiar face 

felix came inside by saying "  bro their is the meeting today afternoon , and i prepared every documents "

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felix came inside by saying "  bro their is the meeting today afternoon , and i prepared every documents "

leeara looked at him and frowned " what are you doing here "

felix looked at her and said " well I'm his personal assistant "  leeara nodded her face while saying " ok now i got it , that last personal assistant bitch resigned because i almost killed her and now you took her place .................... good "

Taehyung rolled his eyes and asked " felix to bring those documents . felix was about to leave when leeara called him and asked " bring chocolate basket from my car " ( * throws keys *)

felix sighed and brought her chocolate basket from car . leeara took that basket , dragged one chair and sat beside Taehyung . 

she squeeze the chocolate wrapper making the chocolate to melt . Taehyung was confused , he asked " what are you doing " 

leeara said " melting the chocolate , it tastes good when its melted . she gave one chocolate to Taehyung and asked him to do the same . Taehyung did the same with confusing look on his face . 

leeara tore the wrapped , she slide her index finger on the melted chocolate and licked while enjoying it " perfect  , you do too " . Taehyung smiled and did the same . he didn't know about the chocolate but he enjoyed the view before him . 

she was eating that chocolate just like a small kid , her hands were all messed with chocolate . she applied chocolate on her lips and said " i don't like lipstick but this lipstick taste so good " 

Taehyung laughed and said " you got chocolate on your cheek " leeara looked and asked " where here " 

" Ah don't touch , you are messing up ." 

* door knocking sound *

leeara widened her eyes saying " omg what should I do now , I don't want anyone to see me like this . where is tissue " 

 they heard voice " may i come in sir " . Taehyung shouted " wait a minute , don't come "

leeara was searching for tissue , Taehyung dragged her chair towards him and bend towards her . he slowly moved his face near her . leeara's heart raced when she saw Taehyung so close to him and her cheeks heated up when he lightly licked the chocolate on her cheeks . 

her heart was beating so fast , she could clearly hear her own heart beat . Taehyung didn't retreated his head , he looked into her eyes and then back at her lips . leeara literally felt his hot breaths on her lips . he slowly pressed his lips on her lips making her heart to race even faster . he started licking chocolate on her lips .  leeara felt millions of butterflies dancing in her stomach .






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