Chapter 48

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Right at that moment, Ming Si's phone vibrated. In their small group chat, Cheng Yu had sent a picture.

Ming Si was in an inconvenient position to handle her screen, so she directed Liang Xian, "What did he send?"

Liang Xian picked up her phone and opened the message. It was a late-night airport photo taken by Cheng Yu, accompanied by the caption:「Hey, brothers and sisters, I've arrived!」

"It's been a while since I've seen Cheng Yu. It feels a bit strange," Ming Si pondered for a moment and said, "Could you send him a cute emoji to comfort him?"

Liang Xian glanced at her, then placed her phone back down.

He picked up his own phone, casually chose a cute emoji from the messages that Ming Si had sent him, and forwarded it over.

Thus, in the group chat, following Cheng Yu's message, Liang Xian unexpectedly sent a ridiculously adorable wave emoji.

Cheng Yu was quite startled by this:「Brother... Xian? You, you have a hobby of collecting these kinds of emojis?」

Liang Xian chuckled lightly, not bothering to reply.

However, Ming Si was quite adept at taking advantage of the situation.

Adjusting her posture, she freed her other hand from behind his waist, opened Liang Xian's chat window, and sent him an image while typing, "Xian Xian, if you like these kinds of emojis, why didn't you say so earlier? I have a lot of them, I can share them with you!"

Before the trailing tone of the word "you" even ended, her gaze fell on Liang Xian's nickname on her WeChat, and her hand suddenly trembled.

She hurriedly tried to close the chat, but sometimes things can get quite weird. The more flustered you are, the more imprecise your actions become. She pressed the screen several times in a row but couldn't lock it.

By this time, Liang Xian's gaze had already shifted over.

His tone was slightly lower, sounding oddly dangerous, "Tinfoil hat?"

Ming Si: "..."

Liang Xian wasn't a stickler for traditionalism. He must have heard of the term scumbag tinfoil hat before.

The nickname had originally been set in a fit of impulse that day, and she hadn't paid it much attention. She occasionally thought about changing it back, but it always got delayed for various reasons...

Who would have thought that he would catch her in the act.

"Uh," Ming Si felt guilty for a couple of seconds, then turned off the screen with a light cough, "Nickname?"

Liang Xian looked at her from the corner of his eye, his tone teasing yet not, "Do you think I'd believe that?"


She couldn't deceive him. Ming Si tapped her phone against him and turned around, pouting, "Can't you let me off just this once?"

Liang Xian caught her phone, held her from behind, his chin resting perfectly in the curve of her shoulder.

He chuckled, "I've been lenient with you."

That was a lie.

Ming Si let out a light hum, and thinking of the Weibo post that Lin Xijia had forwarded to her in the afternoon, she coincidentally pulled it up to give him an example of a couple showing affection, "Look at other people's boyfriends, they can console and pamper their girlfriends. You only know how to expose my faults and argue with me."

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