Chapter 86- Legacy

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Lol  turtle you gotta keep up proper nutrition, stories don't count. Trust me, I'd know just got food poisoning again.

"Rogue cultivators. How disgraceful that not one but even two of my family should perish under their hand. Pathetic. Head administrator, the families demand an accounting of this farce! Don't think the families haven't noticed your lack of impartiality!" The massive purple runed hand upon which hung Lineir's dangling corpse suddenly pointed up to the sky and motioned. Suddenly portals began to appear everywhere above the Trials and the numerous Chosen still remaining in the Trials began to be teleported out as hundreds of ancestral level powers appeared.

"An accounting! We demand an accounting!"

"In the Nine Heavens and Hells what kind of imperial would let someone of our great Wang family die to favor a rogue?"

"Who the hell do you think you are! Head Administrator come down here at once!!"

Great heroes from every nearby planet materialized one by one and began to level accusations at the Heavens. In his cave, the Head Administrator was watching through the waters of his teacup and began to shake with rage. However, he could do nothing but accept it for he was truly in the wrong this time! However, who could he complain to? The Celestial Court would hardly listen and he didn't dare ask the one responsible for his actions to take action. To offend that existence was worse than death!

Eventually, as the numerous ancestral level powers assembled, the purple tattooed hand from the Te Sect began to slip back through the void while Lineir's body dangled from the gallows pinched between its fingers.

"Head Administrator, I will return after I throw this fool's corpse directly into the Hells! Wait for me!" the hand was about to slip through the spacial crack and enter the void with Lineir's body, something unexpected happened in the skies above the Trials.


A normal human sized hand suddenly materialized seemingly out of thin air along with a straight edged blade. It sliced through the rope coiled aroud Lineir's broken neck and suddenly another hand appeared and grabbed Lineir's corpse covering it in strange runes before vanishing into thin air!

"What? Someone dares to intervene? Who is it? Head Administrator you dare to intervene again??!" The Te Sect Leader roared in rage and suddenly the retreating hand smashed out from the spacial crack. Soon the entire forearm was visible completely covered in mystic purple runes.

"For the sake of a mere rogue cultivator you would offend me? Come out here and face me or I shall level a complaint with the Celestial Court and it will be your head hanging from the gallows!!" The Te Sect's voice bellowed through the spacial crack as he prepared to manifest completely above the skies of the Trials.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

Unbeknownst to all the gathered ancestors, a faint plopping noise began to gather in the atmosphere. So subtle was this noise than even these pinnacle cultivators of the Great Sects had no idea it existed. However... a moment later, the skies in the Heavens began to be deluged by rain though in the atmosphere it was so high there were no clouds. One second there was nothing and the skies were clear. The next a terrifying torrent of raindrops began to appear and fall seemingly from nowhere!


"What? Who is activating a Dao Domain right now?" The ancestors were puzzled as amongst the hundreds of them the drops of rain fell.


A portal opened in the air as tears fell from the sky.

"Elder Generation of the Great Sects....going so far as to murder my junior brother with your own hands, you've truly fallen far. To kill a member of the junior generation simply because they have no backing do you think the Heavens do not have eyes simply because you have a seat on the Celestial Court? You WILL pay the price!"

Through the pouring rain there was a rumbling noise and the light of the dawn suddenly appeared. A great fireball was conjured into existence and rocketed forwards towards the gathered ancestors! Several of them launched techniques which covered the skies but the great fireball which resembled a fist simply punched right through them as if they weren't there!

Solar God's Fist- Rising Sun!


A firestorm appeared as the fiery fist reached the center of the amassed ancestors and exploded! It rushed out and incinerated everything it touched burning not just their flesh but even their true treasures and destroying the very air of the sky!


When the firestorm expanded to a distance covering 10,000 kilometers, it finally dissipated and air furiously rushed back in to fill the empty void it left. All across the sky still flaming corpses and even white hot ash showered down as the absolute devastation was revealed. A lone figure appeared in the sky. Clothed in clear sky-blue robes, he held a crying blade in one hand and flames in the glowing red-yellow fist of his other.

"Hmph, still alive old Te dog? Don't think you can run so easily, my Mizuchi will weep tears for you." The sky-blue sleeves of his arm lifted and his blade appeared to flash in the reflected light of the flaming sky. He suddenly reached out with a hand and fished through the flames before suddenly stopping at a point in the sky. This point happened to be exactly where the Te ancestor's spacial crack had been! The hand surged through the empty air and disappeared as it broke through the dimensions!


There was a strange shattering noise as through the void it reached and seized something! A second later it withdrew and ripped something out of the void!

"AHHHHH! Who are you?? The Great Sects will not forgive you if you kill me!" The Te Sect ancestor was dragged out into the skies of the Trials! His once majestic purple tattooed arms were covered in horrific burns and ash and the sky-blue clothed cultivator had him by the arm. This mysterious cultivator began laughing.

"Hahahaha the Great Sects won't forgive me? They should be so thankful that I am willing to forgive THEM! Now die." The crying blade sliced forward and severed the Te ancestor's head. Drops of immortal blood fell down from the sky like tears as the blade flashed red then returned to its clear blue hue. As the Te ancestor's beheaded corpse fell from the still flaming skies, the sky-blue cultivator turned to a patch of empty air and called out.

"Alright. Now that that is taken care of, fellow Daoist of the Old Guard, I thank you for your timely intervention. Would you be so kind as to return my junior brother to me?"

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