Chapter 88- Blade of The Mourning End

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Arrrgh my brain hurts T_T; always make sure to not go to bed hungry fellow Daoists. Welcome to Jaxol and Chaol. And turtle...I suppose you're right haha. 

The character Redemption burned in Lineir's eyes with a solar flame. When the characters eventually burned away, Lineir's eyes returned to normal losing their hellish red tint as if it had burnt out. He found himself floating in the air as a strange sky-blue robed cultivator hovered above him. Lineir immediately cupped his hands and bowed.

"Thank you for saving this one senior. Might I know the name so I might repay you this favor one day?" Lineir formally called out. However, the senior laughed joyously,

"Hahaha, there's no need to repay a favor from me junior disciple brother. It's the least I can do after all your time in the wilderness. When I was your age I had the guidance of the celestial bodies to aid me. It must be hard to wander these troubled waters alone with so many of those old sect sharks still swimming about. Back in my day the path to the top wasn't blocked by so many bodies...errr I mean people. Anyways, I've saved you this time in the Name of Asura. But don't expect me to do so again. I have other battles to fight and you'll have to grow on your own. Next time, try to avoid provoking so many people at once ehhhh? I know those old fogies from the Sects are a pain, but you're not ready to take them all on just yet. Lie low a bit young man." Lineir was nonplussed at this strange man who referred to him as junior disciple brother. As far as Lineir was aware of at least, he hadn't joined any sects! However, the senior simply continued without even noticing Lineir's bewildered gaze,

"Anyways, the war for the Western Pillar requires my presence. until we meet again." He smiled kindly and slashed out with a tearful blade. A long dimensional tear trailed his blade and he stepped into it with a swish of his sky blue robes. As the tear was closing before Lineir's stunned eyes however, there was a pause and the closing of the tear slowed fractionally. The voice of the sky blue senior called out,

"Oh...right, I forgot as the first time meeting, I had best prepare a welcoming gift for our first little junior brother in all these years. Sh*t I forgot to bring anything.....I know! Take Mizuchi until we meet again. Remember to bring her back to me when we meet again at the Western Pillar!" There was a frantic tossing noise and suddenly out of the dimensional tear popped out the icey blue sword. Frosty tears seemed to weep out of the blade as the dimensional rift closed with a soft pop. Lineir caught the blade in his hands and almost dropped it as it was freezing cold!

"That bastard just left me??? Are you kidding me??!" An exceedingly cold voice came out of the blade and Lineir had a terrifying flashback to when he had first met Mei. Suddenly a chill ran down his spine.

"There's no way...." He began to think but stopped when a huge list of vile curses began to fill the air seemingly coming from the frosty weeping blade in his hand.

"***** ****** *************************************************************!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Instantly Lineir realized what he was dealing with and sighed. Mei too was shocked into silence. Dahn, who was also concealed in a pocket of space time was speechless as well. Simultaneously all three thought,

"That crazy guy left his Deathblade behind???"

"Hmph, comparing The Mourning End to ordinary Deathblades. You're begging for death!" The handle in Lineir's hand turned chillingly cold and he almost dropped the blade. He greeted the frosty katana,

"Hi! It's nice to meet you Mizuchi. I'm Lineir, my senior brother left me in your care. I was just wondering however...what exactly is the relationship between your master and I?" He trailed off. However, the handle of the blade started to warm back up, it was at least not too painful to hold now. Gradually drops of water began to gather and slip off the surface of the blade. It was as if it was actually crying! Suddenly, a great wailing overcame the starry sky above the burning Trials.

"Waaaaaaaaaaaahhh!!!! Master you left me to an idiot!" The blade wailed out and Lineir was struck by the difference between the mature Mei and this strange new Mizuchi. Additionally, the voice was of a girl again. He had to wonder...were all Deathblades female? However, he stowed the thought as he considered the more pressing issue at hand...calming down this crazy blade!

"Relax, relax, your master didn't abandon you permanently or anything. He only loaned you out to protect me until I meet up with him again. By the way, where is the Western Pillar." Lineir placated. However, when the blade heard that he didn't even know where the Western Pillar is the wailing only grew louder!

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