Chapter 177-What a Cute_____

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Hey guys, not to make you all cry but you thought I forgot about this didn't you ;p. Well I didn't, no loose ends here! Thank you all for voting and commenting, and sad as it is I'm glad to see you all care about the characters and story!

"Don't you find it strange?" Yu said in Lineir's mind. Inside a dark crevasse Lineir had cleaned himself up a bit. His eyes had turned deep and haunted, however at the very least he had changed into fresh robes.

"What?" Lineir said as he stood unsteadily. His fists opened and closed like a fish's mouth, gasping for air. He was finally prepared to leave the dark hole. However the voice gave him pause.

"The whole situation with our mission was strange wasn't it? They had two traitors in our midst yet our higher ups did not even warn us of the possibility. Additionally, the amount of time it took for our reinforcements to arrive. Do you really think our side is so weak? It doesn't make any sense. The more I think about it...the more I think I'm crazy...but...don't you feel it?"

Lineir sighed as he admitted it.

"To be honest, I haven't really been in the mood to think about it. But I do find it strange as well. But what are you suggesting? That the Higher Ups purposely allowed the traitors to infiltrate us? There's no reason." That was his only conclusion at the moment. However, now that the thought had been planted in his tortured mind it spread roots like a poisonous seed. "Argh, let's not think about this right now. I'm not thinking clearly. It's pointless spreading baseless blame. There is no one to blame for what happened except myself."

"As you wish."

Lineir walked out of the earth which looked like a giant had been rampaging in his grave. Everywhere there were strange ruptures and fissures, evidence of his rage. In his Madness he had actually changed the topography of the land for in the Lower Realms he was simply too powerful.

"This is your home realm? You'll need to ascend to the Higher Realms again. Once there I can guide you to the ancient ruins where you can meditate on the Hematoma technique." Yu whispered.

"How do I ascend though? Last time I crossed with the help of one of the Higher Ups. I don't know how to do it myself." Lineir wondered.

"It's simple. You've entered the Divine Realm level. Your blows are now powerful enough to rupture the space of the Lower Realms. Breach the space enough and you will naturally open a gate to the Higher Realms. Of course, without knowledge of where you are going you may find yourself entering a random location devoid of life or even one filled with danger. Luckily you have me. Allow me to guide your hands when you ascend and I will ensure that you don't end up lost in the void." Yu laid out the process. Lineir was a little bit suspicious of letting Yu guide his hands, after all though the spirit seemed to know things only Yu could know, he did not have absolute proof that it was Yu. However, Yu seemed to anticipate this,

"Don't worry. You don't need to let me control your body. Just let me guide you subconsciously. Follow my lead you'll see." He reassured Lineir. Left with little choice could only agree. However...before that Lineir briskly traveled to a certain area.


Sssss ssssss sssss oooooo ooooo

The wind whistled in the woods. The black robed youth flickered through the thin air, a stealthy ghost. After disappearing and reappearing eerily in several places in the forest he finally settled upon a tree branch.

"Should be right about here..." Lineir ran his finger along the bark.

"What are you looking for?" Yu's disembodied voice questioned. To him it looked like Lineir had gone crazy and was feeling random trees...

"Just wait." After jumping down to the ground Lineir saw a blackened mark upon the tree.

"That bastard bunny sure had a lot of power. But where is it. As I recall it wasn't particularly stealthy before." Lineir surveyed the ground looking for burnt footprints. He was actually quite close to his hometown of Brackenrock City! His target was not his hometown but a strange rabbit he had once seen when he first set out with Mei. Lineir still remembered her exact words all those years ago,

""Kiddo, I've seen a lot of things, but I've never seen such a cute bunny! You absolutely have to come back when you are stronger and catch it!""

He felt a pang of sadness stab into him which he buried before it could overwhelm him again. Like a shark he absolutely could not afford to stop moving. If he did for even a moment then he doubted he would have the willpower to stand up again. The darkness in his heart was just too heavy. However, he had to keep going. When the spirit of Yu had mentioned getting revenge Lineir had not only thought of that, but also all the other things he had to do before he died. He still had to find a way to break the seal on his sister's soul which he carried in his special ring. At some point he would have to clash with those who had sealed with her. Additionally, he owed a debt to the Monastery which had left behind the tablet from which he had learned the Asura Strike. Until he resolved these things he at least had a reason to fight. As he was pondering these things, a sudden sense of danger triggered.

"What? How can I be sensing danger in the Mortal Realms!"

Lineir immediately crouched down, the black blade appeared in his hand and his broken bone scythes slid out.

"Where!" He murmured his head swiveling left and right as his Divine Sense came out. Here in the thin mortal air it easily extended for many kilometers. "There!"


Lineir jumped down to face a strange energy source with his Madness Eyes. In the great red hellish world there was an orange wisp on the ground. He stalked closer to it.

"A flame?"

On the ground there was a bright yellow will o wisp like fire. About the size of a palm, it was this flame that was triggering Lineir's danger senses.

"No mortal flame should be able to make me feel danger. What's so special about this..." Lineir walked up to the flame and prodded it curiously with the black blade.


Lineir furiously backpedaled waving his sword as the strangest thing happened. The flame ignited and ran up the length of the dark iridescent metal.

"What?!" He was astonished. The black blade was definitely not something that could be lit on fire by any ordinary flame! After a few moments the flame went out however.


Lineir examined the surface of the blade's tang. It was completely undamaged, still covered in a faint translucent sheen with hints of lightning dancing inside. He breathed out,

"Phew." Even though the black blade was the strongest thing he had ever encountered, he still felt a moment of panic when it had lit on fire. After all, any mortal blade would have been severely damaged in such a situation. Fortunately it was still as perfect as ever, the translucent surface swimming with Lightning Qi chains inside. He leaned down to inspect the ground when he felt a slight pain on his hand. It was only momentary and quickly stopped as his hand healed but he realized he had actually been burned slightly by the fire even though it hadn't even touched him!

The flame on the forest floor had gone out when his blade had touched it. When Lineir moved his gaze from his hand to the ground his eyebrows flew to the Heavens.

"You're serious? No way...! That ******* bunny!" He cursed as saw a small three toed paw print burned into the ground. When he looked in the direction it was going he vaguely saw in the distance another burning light. He also realized the paw print was twice as big as when he had first seen it.

"The bunny has grown up. And it has flames capable of burning a Divine Realm cultivator from a distance. Master...if only you were still with me. What in the Hells is this thing!" Lineir felt like he had wandered into a strange dream. In what world could a bunny from the mortal realms burn someone who had already transcended!


"This feeling...a spacial tear? ascended?!!"    

Chapter 177-What a Cute Bunny

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