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»»———CHAPTER FOUR———««

JEONGGUK reached the reception where a lady was typing away on her computer with one hand while her other was busy making a phone call. The raven haired male sighed and tightened his hands around the straps of his bags, giving himself encouragement.

If I don't ask, I'll be definitely stuck with Yugyeom for this year. And I don't intend on suffering again. Just go up to her and demand another room! You can do that ggukie!

The boy nodded to himself before walking over to the lady's desk, mentally telling himself everything would be fine. He cleared his throat after setting down his bags and leaning on the counter like a badass would do. He tapped his fingers on the counter as she ended her phone call, occasionally glancing at the waiting boy with furrowed eyebrows.

"Hello?", she spoke, tone a bit displeased as she gave the resting arms on the counter a stern look. Jeongguk's chill behavior immediately simmered down into nothingness as he took his arms back and slid them off the counter before a soft blush worked up his cheeks.

"H-Hi", he stammered, feeling stupid for being a goddamn shy wimp, "I uh- had a question".

The lady mentally snickered at the boy's sudden change of behavior and hummed, leaning her cheek on her hand, "What is it?"

"You see-", the boy started, eyes going anywhere but the receptionist, "I found out who my dorm mate is and uh-".

"Oh no I know where you're going with this", the lady started before shaking her head, "I can't change dorm mates just because they are weird or have strange obsessions with inflated objects. I can't do that. Do you know how much work it would be if I'd change every person who asked me? Making these arrangements already cost me the whole summer so don't go throwing them overboard just because you don't like you roommate-"

"Listen madam", Jeongguk interrupted, hands now gripping the counter in distress which startled the lady, "This isn't just a boy I dislike. This boy is my ex best friend who became friends with a group of assholes who set him up against me. Last year should have been the best year of highschool but because of them my best friend – and now my dorm mate- said bad things behind my back, things a friend should never say about another, hung out behind my back with them, made me do all of their homework, made me wonder every evening what he was doing again without me and what he would be saying about me, about how he has never been able to stand me all these years he has known me and how annoying I am. I wanted to start anew this year, without him, without that stupid friend group. But now- they found out I'm his dorm mate and they are all waiting in my dorm for me to show up so they can make fun of me and bully me out of my own dorm and you know what will be the worst thing about that? Seeing my best friend do nothing, his empty eyes will just stare at me while they throw hurting words my way. But you think I just came here because I have a weird dorm mate who has a blowup sex doll? No, I almost wish by now that I could have one like that".

Silence formed between the two while the lady took in everything the boy had told her, gulping afterwards.

"Well", she started, collecting her thoughts, "Sadly there are no dorms left so I'm not sure if I'll find anyone who wants to switch-"


The woman sighed, glancing at the blonde charging towards them, "Well guess what? Maybe I found someone already".

who may that be?? OoOoOoH

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