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JEONGGUK woke up with wide eyes as he shot up into bed. He turned to his side to see Taehyung lying next to him, his bed now attached to Jeongguk's. He had no idea where Yugyeom had spent the night, but it didn't really matter at the moment when the younger brought his hand up to stomp the other's arm. When that didn't wake him up, Jeongguk stood up from the bed to walk into the bathroom to grab a glass of ice cold tap water.

When he returned to the bed, he slowly rotated the glass until the cold water was nicely splashed onto Taehyung's – now surprised – face, making the younger grin a bit. "What the hell was that for!?", Taehyung cried out with wide shocked eyes, taking his blankets to wipe off the water. When he was done drying himself he turned to Jeongguk who was still glaring at him – though Taehyung had no idea why.

"What are you glaring at me for? You were the one that woke me up with an unwanted shower", Taehyung frowned as he met his boyfriend's eyes.

"Did you break up with him?"

The red head merely blinked at the question, his brain still set into sleep mode. So he merely stared at the boy in front of him as his mind slowly started to wake up and work through the question. "W-What?"

"Did you break up with Youngjae before asking me as your boyfriend?", Jeongguk asked again, his hand slowly gripping the glass harder when he noticed the older's face draining color, "You do realize you're two timing us? And I didn't agree to be in a three way relationship with the enemy".

"Relax", Taehyung shushed the other, "I'll break up with him today. I need to move my stuff back to this room anyway".

"I can't believe you forgot to break up with him", the younger groaned, "What were you thinking?"

"I was kind of too busy coming to your concert, chasing you and confessing my feelings to you. So my mind was pretty much only focused on you, if you really want to know", Taehyung replied, watching the younger's cheeks flare red. "You really need to end things with him today, the sooner the better", Jeongguk mumbled before returning the glass back to its natural habitat which was the bathroom.

"I'll do it this afternoon. He has classes in the morning-", he stopped talking when he saw the raised eyebrows on his boyfriend's face, "What? I dated the guy for more than a month. Of course I know his time table".



Jeongguk rolled his eyes, "You said, 'I dated the guy' but you're still dating the guy. It's not past tense".

"Will you get over it? I didn't intentionally forget to break up with him", the older groaned, still nuzzled into bed, "Come here so I can kiss that frown off your face". He reached out to the younger who was standing at the foot end of the bed. The black haired boy merely glanced at the arms inviting him to be hugged and shrugged before walking to his desk with a "Nope".

Taehyung pouted at that, his grabby hands feeling ignored.

"You get kisses once you break up with him. Until that, you aren't getting any affection from me", Jeongguk stated grumpily, wanting to get rid of Youngjae's connection to Taehyung as soon as possible.

"That's just cruel", Taehyung whined but the younger didn't seem to care as he took his bathrobe off the hook and walked into the bathroom to take a nice hot shower. Alone.

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"Why are you always ruining every fucking thing!?"

Jeongguk hadn't expected to open up a door to a furious, hot headed Youngjae. But it seemed like life was full of surprises for him today. Taehyung had only left half an hour ago to break up with said boy and hadn't come back yet, but his ex (Jeongguk presumed) was now standing in front of him, cursing the boy and his whole existence.

"Excuse me?", Jeongguk replied calmly, the shock overpowering the anger, "I ruin everything?"

It wasn't that he didn't have the gut to yell back at Youngjae. It was just that Jeongguk didn't understand just why the other was so angry with him when Youngjae had been the one wanting revenge and using Taehyung for that. So what we he yelling about Jeongguk ruining everything? Hadn't his plan worked out (except for Jeongguk and Taehyung ending up together though).

He hadn't invited the older in but before he knew it, the boy was standing in his dorm, yelling at him for everything he had done. Which was mainly making Taehyung break up with him. Jeongguk was still confused.

"I liked him! I really liked him! And you stole him from me!", Youngjae yelled, "You steal everything from me!"

Another scoff coming from Jeongguk made the other fill up with even more rage. He hated the calm and unbothered face of the younger when it was he that made Youngjae's life so much harder. And instead of paying for it, Jeongguk took even more happiness away from him. He took away Taehyung! His boyfriend!

"If I wasn't so heartbroken right now I would punch you in the face", Youngjae growled, balling his fists, "But that would only upset Taehyung and I don't want that".

Jeongguk frowned at that, "Why? Like you care what he feels. Did you care how he felt when you were using him?"

The other's blood boiled at those words, grabbing his phone and hurling it at the other who ducked for the incoming device, "Fuck you, your pretty face and your damn naïve head! You don't understand a fucking thing!"

"You're calling me pretty?", Jeongguk made a face at that, honestly so confused at the whole situation, "That's a bit gay don't you think? Too gay for a straight guy like you-"

"I am gay! I've been gay ever since I laid my eyes on you! And I was gay when I fell for Taehyung! What the fuck isn't there to understand!?", Youngjae yelled angrily, his chest heaving up and down by the intense emotions he was experiencing all at once. He breathed heavily while Jeongguk stared at him, wide eyes and mouth wide open.

"You- you liked me?", he could whisper out softly, "Me!?"

"You hurt me so much! You made me gay! I was so angry at you, cursed your whole existence for making me question everything I felt! I tried getting over you because I knew you were straight and it turned out to be fucking impossible. So when I met Taehyung I wanted to do the same to you. I wanted to hurt you. I wanted to make you question everything. Make you crave someone you couldn't have. But it turned out good for you anyway! Why do you get everything! And I get no one!?"

"You fucking bullied me for being gay! When I wasn't even sure if I was. If you could have just talked to me, who knew what would have happened. But now you're blaming me for being ignorant of your feelings? You fucking bullied gay people! How the hell was I supposed to figure out you had feelings for me!? For a boy!?", Jeongguk yelled back, not wanting to feel pity for the boy in front of him. "You know what? You should be happy I made you realize you're gay or you'd spend your whole life wondering what's missing or what's wrong when you're married with some woman. I'm not going to apologize for something I did by merely existing!"

He watched Youngjae stomp over at him at those words, grab his phone off the floor and turn to him, "I wish I'd never met you".

"I can say the same", Jeongguk replied as the other walked out, slamming the door shut, "I can say the same..."


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