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THE annoying sound of an alarm beeping indicated the beginning of Jeongguk's second, but official first, school day. His eyesight was still fuzzy but he could perfectly hear the sound of running water, meaning either Taehyung was taking a shower, or there was a leak in the roof and the whole building was flooding.

He slung his arm off the bed, whirled it around before retracting it back under the warm covers. Well it certainly hadn't reached their room yet if it was a storm flood.

Not long after Jeongguk had deducted that conclusion from his amazing experiment, he heard the bathroom door opening and feet padding into the room.

"Get up you lazy ass it's a beautiful day. And you get to spend it with a beautiful gay", Taehyung sang before kicking the sleepy lump underneath Jeongguk's bed covers. The lump let out a small owie before a mess of raven hair slowly stuck out of the sheets, followed by dark eyes set in a glare, specially made for the beautifully annoying gay.

"Don't you dare glare at your elders like that", Taehyung clicked his tongue, pointing an accusing finger at the younger, "Don't you know how lucky you are that I specially set your alarm twenty minutes earlier because I know what a sleepy head you are".

"You what?", Jeongguk muttered sleepily, eyes glancing over to his clock that displayed the red numbers 6:40 flashing on the black screen. "For fuck's sake", Jeongguk mumbled, grabbing his blanket and throwing it back over his head.

"Jeongguk~", Taehyung sang, shaking the blanket lump on the bed. The lump stirred and squirmed as the blonde started poking it.

"I could have slept a whole 20 minutes longer if it wasn't for you!", the younger whined out, clutching his pillow as he felt it being pulled away from underneath his head, "Get away you poop".

Taehyung gasped and clutched the - Jeongguk's now stolen - pillow against his chest, "How dare you say that!"

The overdramatic screech made the younger chuckle before an innocently - bitten back naughty smirk - sounding aren't you what you eat taehyungie came from under the covers.

Not long after the ravenhead was sprawled on the ground, sheets ripped off his bed and pillow smacked against his head.

"You pervert", Taehyung muttered, shutting down the still going alarm and stepping over the surprised - but manically laughing - Jeongguk.

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