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THURSDAY rolled by and Jeongguk had already survived four days of university, and two evenings of running track training. He was now getting ready to go to the frat party Taehyung had talked to him about.

He had proposed the offer to his friends and everyone (except for Chanhyuk) had urged him go. So that's why Jeongguk was now taking a long hot shower, trying to get rid of the sweaty smell and dirty patches on his legs from falling during training.

Daesung and Chanhyuk would come to his dorm at 10 while the girls would try to sneak in the boys dormitory so they could have a pre-booze. Taehyung was already out with his friends. He had planned to drink some cocktails with them as pre-booze in a fancy bar before going to the party.

Jeongguk ended the shower and stepped out, steam already having fogged up the bathroom. His clothes were neatly placed on the bed, a thing he liked to do before going into showers. Since he didn't want to waste his good clothes on going out – it's not like he was trying to impress someone – he chose something casual. It would be stained with alcohol and sweat anyway so he just picked a plain black shirt and light blue jeans. He also slipped on his old beat up all stars since dance floors at parties are everything but clean.

After he was all done and had gotten out his bottle of tequila from underneath the bed, together with some salt and a lemon, his friends arrived.

The girls had brought sangria, with fresh cut up fruit, since they didn't like the bitter taste of beer. The boys shared the bottles of beer Daesung had brought with him and the five of them drank tequila and ate the different kinds of snacks Chanhyuk bought.

At twelve the group of friends left. Tipsy, red faced and laughing they walked out of the dormitory without waking up anybody else – or maybe just a few people since Holly couldn't stop having giggly fits.

Lizzie had her arm hooked around Chanhyuk's who seemed less shy now with alcohol running in his system. Daesung was dancing and skipping in front of them, breaking out in ridiculous songs which at one point made him twerk against some lantern while singing Nicki Minaj.

They reached the party only ten minutes later but they had been able to hear the music from two streets away. Jeongguk fumbled around in his pockets and fished out his pair of earplugs, seeing the rest do the same except for Lizzie.

"Does someone have a pair extra? I forgot mine", she pouted, a smile soon working up her lips when Daesung threw her disposal ones. "Thanks".

(((pro tip: always wear ear plugs to loud parties. Don't ruin your ears because of laziness. Don't make them ring)))

After that they walked into the party where loud chatter was trying to rise above the booming music. Jeongguk's alcohol percentage seemed to slowly simmer into nothingness when he was pressed into the crowd, trying to push himself through and stop himself for stumbling into random people. Lizzie and Holly's hands were intertwined so they wouldn't lose each other in the busy room. He felt Chanhyuk hold him by the shoulder so he'd be able to follow the ravenhead while Daesung walked in front of him, clearing a path for them in the crowd.

He felt Chanhyuk tap him on the shoulder before he pointed to somewhere on the side, "Isn't that your roommate?", he yelled out above the music.

Jeongguk turned his face to where his friend pointed to, eyes widening when he spotted his gay ass roommate. The older boy was clad in an oversized red satin shirt, neatly tucked into tight black ripped jeans, topped off with black vans. The boy was leaning against the wall with one foot propped up against it and a bottle of beer held loosely in his hand. A wide smile was portrayed on his face, laughing because of some joke the other person he was talking to made.

As his partner left to get a drink, Taehyung's gaze started wandering around the room. As his stare  accidently landed on the younger, Jeongguk stuck out his hand to shortly – and kind of awkwardly – wave at his roommate. A quite mischievous smirk formed on his lips as Jeongguk neared him after quickly telling his friends where he was going.

"Hi", Jeongguk smiled, finally having escaped out of the crowd. Taehyung lowered his foot, making him stand up straight and tower a bit over the younger. The smirk playing on his lips changed into a normal smile, "You look good Gguk".

"Oh", said boy got a bit flustered, both by the compliment and nickname, "It's nothing. You're better dressed anyway".

The older's smile changed and he shot a sultry look at the younger, large hand placing itself onto Jeongguk's shoulder, "It's not about the clothes pretty boy".

"I-I don't think I understand", the raven haired boy asked, eyes blinking innocently.

Taehyung clicked his tongue, "Never mind", he spoke before he excused himself to join his friends at the bar.

"Uhm okay?", Jeongguk said, mostly to himself. he was very confused about the older's odd behavior but he decided to let it drop and just find his friends before they got wasted without him.

"What the fuck were you thinking Kim Taehyung?", the said boy grumbled to himself, hitting the side of his head with his flat hand, "Trying to flirt with your straight roommate? He didn't even realize you were hitting on him!I'm just drunk. That's it. I need a target. Forget about the bunny".


well well well, seems like something is stirring

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