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IT was late in the morning when Jeongguk was rushing through the hallways of the faculty, on his way to meet Yoongi for their weekly music session. He was stopped however as he passed by Jin who was carrying a few boxes and seemed to be looking for someone.

"Oh Jeongguk! It's a good thing I ran into you", he smiled sweetly as he stopped in front of the other boy, "I was just on my way to your dorm anyway. Lucky me".

"Well as you can see I'm not in my dorm at the moment so you are indeed lucky", Jeongguk replied back with a chuckle, "What's up?"

The older jiggled the boxes in his hands a bit to bring Jeongguk's attention to them, "These are the decorations for Taehyung's birthday party. It's in two days remember? I thought I could drop them off already so you could stuff them underneath your bed or something"


This was awkward. He hadn't told them about Taehyung moving out yet. Well it's not like he's had the chance to since it only happened last night. But still, he really didn't want to tell them what happened since it would only worsen the bond between Taehyung and his friends.

"Well the thing is, you see- um", Jeongguk tried finding the right words, so it wouldn't seem like Taehyung was the bad guy (even though he slightly was), "Taehyung and I kinda got into a little fight-"

A gasp emitted from Jin.

"So he switched dorms since we don't get along that well at the moment", he continued as he watched the older's shocked expression simmer down into a frown.

"That's unfortunate. Does the rest know? Because I haven't heard anything from them yet-"

"No, I hadn't had the chance to tell you guys yet. But maybe it's best if you hear Taehyung's side from it too. I don't want to cause a fight between his friends and him", Jeongguk replied with a tight lipped smile.

"But you're our friend too", Jin replied with a frown, "Wait- so who's your roommate now then? Is he nice? Does he let you sleep? He isn't some crazy party guy or something is he? I'll whoops his ass if I have to".

Jeongguk chuckled at his older friend and shook his head, "You don't have to worry Jin. One of my friends from high school became my new roommate so it's alright. You don't have to whoop his ass".

"Jimin doesn't know about this either am I right?", Jin suddenly asked, his eyes wide, "Because I recall him saying he was going to head over to Youngjae to ask him if he could help us keep Taehyung away from his dorm while we set things up for his party- If he finds out Taehyung is now roommates with his boyfriend I fear it won't end well".

Jeongguk frowned, "Why?"

"Well there's already some tension going on between us and Taehyung ever since he started neglecting us and being cold to you. We tried to ignore it and keep the birthday party plan going, hoping it would recover our friendship and Taehyung's friendship with you. But if he finds out Tae definitely moved out after a fight with you-"

"It won't end well", the younger completed the sentence, "Well there's nothing we can do about it anyway. You guys would have found out one way or another".

"I know but still... Taehyung has changed a lot ever since he got himself that boyfriend. Jimin and Tae have been friends since middle school and Jimin recently told us that he doesn't recognize Tae anymore. It's like he has completely changed. I know Jimin seems sweet and all but he's not afraid to get angry, and especially not at someone who he has known for a longer time", Jin explained, "Let's just hope it won't be too bad".

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