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»»--------CHAPTER 48--------««

JEONGGUK was feeling very good about himself, absolutely fucking fantastic actually. Which was weird considering not too long ago he had his boyfriend up his ass. Maybe that was why he was striding into the cafeteria with a faint limp in his (still confident) step.

Taehyung was still asleep in their bed and the younger hadn't had the heart to wake him up. He had gotten a message from his friends, asking him to eat lunch with them and he couldn't reject the offer. It had been a long time he had hung out with Holly and the others.

He could easily spot his group of friends from afar, especially since they were joined by bright blue haired Jimin and red haired Hoseok. Taehyung's other friends were nowhere in sight. "Hi guys", Jeongguk smiled, sliding into the seat next to Jimin. The others greeted him back, each and every one having bright smiles that equaled Jeongguk's, except for Jimin's evident smirk.

"How was last night?", the boy immediately said, loud enough so the others would hear him as well. Jeongguk's cheeks began to burn a cherry red color, his eyes set in a glare as Jimin met his look. "What? Can't they know?"

"The limp was obvious enough, you know?", Hoseok laughed, a grin of his own forming on his lips when Jeongguk's fierce glare was now directed at him.

"It's also pretty obvious who topped last night", Lizzie winked, making Jeongguk's cheeks bloom a bright pink again. "Shut up", he hissed, feeling himself growing small.

It's not like he minded his friends knowing about his sex life. Alright, it was quite embarrassing and awkward to have it brought up but he didn't mind it too much. It's just that he wanted to slide it into the conversation without attracting too much attention. But now, the neighboring tables were staring at them and he could practically feel them judging him.

Chanhyuk seemed to notice Jeongguk's discomfort and how he tried to crawl into himself. His own laughter died down before he told the table, "Maybe we shouldn't be so loud about it". That's when Daesung noticed the disgusted looks they were getting. He huffed and turned himself around to glare at the nearby tables.

"Can we help you with something?", he spat, his face contorted in anger. The people at the nearest table flinched and they quickly shook their head, one person even muttering a nothing before they went back to their original conversation. When Daesung turned back to his friends, they all stared back at him with a mix of different emotions.

Lizzie seemed quite pleased while Jimin looked surprised. "You're actually quite intimidating if you want to be", Holly spoke up, having an eyebrow arched. Daesung merely shrugged, but his cheeks got covered in a faint pink when Holly gave him a cheeky wink, his intimidating behavior immediately simmering back into nothingness.

"Where's Taehyung, by the way?", Lizzie asked, dipping a potato fry in ketchup. Her lips turned down in distaste as she noticed that the fries had gone cold. She shoved the packet towards Holly who, she knew, loved cold fries for some reason. The girl's eyes lit up and she happily accepted the cold potato fries.

Jeongguk yawned, thinking of his boyfriend still snuggled up in warm covers, "Still asleep".

"You wore him out ay?", Jimin nudged the younger's elbow, his eyebrows wiggling like a caterpillar would do. It honestly disturbed Jeongguk a little.

Hoseok visibly shivered at those words, "Never say that again. I don't need images in my head".

"I'll tell Taehyung you said that", Jeongguk immediately retaliated, stealing a piece of cucumber off Jimin's plate. The older let him as he didn't like the vegetable that much.

Hoseok's face contorted into one of horror. He quickly grabbed the younger's wrist and tugged at it, "No, he'll hit me and call me a pervert!"

"Yes, it's what you deserves", Jeongguk replied, sticking out his tongue. He munched on the cucumber for a moment before humming, "Am I naked in your mind?"

"Don't ask that!", Hoseok almost screeched, digging his face into his hands. He hadn't originally imagined anything, but now his brain was doing things he couldn't stop. As he was having a personal meltdown in the middle of the cafeteria, he didn't notice the person now standing beside his chair.

"What's going on?"

Taehyung's deep voice could be heard, which did not help Hoseok's state of mind. The older boy quickly lowered his hands and tried to smile at his friend, "Nothing-"

"Hoseok's imagining a very naked Jeongguk inside of his head", Daesung said, snitching on his friend in a heartbeat.

"What?", the cherry haired male now actually screeched. He threw Daesung a glare before glancing at Taehyung, "No!"

He could feel the amusement from the others, which did not help him in any way. Jeongguk basically chuckled, seeing the encounter go down.

"What the fuck Hoseok. You're having fantasies about my Jeonggukie?", Taehyung gasped, clasping his shirt in his hand, "I bet he doesn't look half as good in your mind as how he looks like in real life".

The youngest boy had not seen that one coming and it made his cheeks bloom a bright red. He looked absolutely shocked that his boyfriend would say such a thing.

"I don't want to know how your boyfriend looks like naked!", Hoseok said, waving his hands in front of his eyes to clear any kind of image inside of his head.

"Good", Taehyung gave a firm nod before pointing a finger at his friend, "And I hope you're at least imagining me with him when he's naked inside of your head. I better be naked as well!"

He saw his friend's head drop onto the table, "Stop ruining my innocent mind!" Everyone chuckled, this time just ignoring every stare they were getting from the nearby tables. "Thanks for saving me a seat", Taehyung spoke to Jeongguk, the younger frowning at his words. He looked around before looking back up at the older, "I didn't-"

Taehyung sat down on his boyfriend's laps since all the seats were taken and he started laughing at Jeongguk's expression. "This seat is quite comfortable".

"Idiot", Jeongguk mumbled, getting a quick peck on his cheek in return, "Did you sleep well?"

Taehyung nodded before a pout appeared on his lips, "Yes, until you left me all cold and alone". His whining voice made the younger roll his eyes.

"I was hungry", Jeongguk stated, "And I know how long you can sleep when you don't set an alarm".

Taehyung quirked an eyebrow, "Since when am I the deep sleeper when you were always the annoying one?"

"Excuse me", the raven haired male said, holding up a hand, "You were the one that always dragged me onto the floor and let me lay there".

Taehyung clicked his tongue, "It was comfortable enough for you to fall back asleep on".

The couple bickered on until the whole table was staring at them. They stopped when they noticed the stares directed at them before both mumbling out an apology. When the others went back to another topic, Taehyung and Jeongguk shared quick glances before the older pressed a kiss onto the younger's lips.

"Let's grab some lunch, yeah?"

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