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JEONGGUK decided he needed to do something to show his appreciation to Taehyung for what he did last night – even though he just left in the morning.

The first thing he did after his last class ended was going to the nearest supermarket to buy the right ingredients. After buying everything he hurried back to his dorm and checked if Taehyung was there already. When he found it empty he scurried to the kitchen to start cooking, hoping it'd be finished before Taehyung came back from his classes.

After 40 minutes of preparing dinner and putting the dish in the oven, he walked back to his dorm to await his roommate's arrival. As he opened the door he realized Taehyung was back already. (he could tell by the sound of water running and the fresh set of clothes laid on top of the older's bed)

The sound of running water suddenly stopped and a creak of a shower door soon followed. The padding of feet and the opening of a door made Taehyung appear in the room, clad in nothing but a light green towel wrapped around his waist and slippers on his feet.

"Oh", he spoke up when he spotted the raven haired boy seated on his bed, "You're back already".

Jeongguk nervously wrung his hands, "Yeah, my last class ended an hour ago actually".

Taehyung merely hummed and grabbed his clothes, "You should take a shower too. You're all dirty". He eyed the tomato sauce stains on the younger's shirt and body with suspicion.

"Oh you noticed? I thought you didn't look at me anymore", Jeongguk mumbled but quickly shut up when Taehyung asked him 'what did you say?'.

"Ah nevermind. I uh actually wanted to ask you something", the younger replied, smiling nervously.

Taehyung glanced at him and walked back to the bathroom, clothes now in hand, "Can't it wait? I have to go".

"What?", Jeongguk jumped up from his bed but quickly frowned when he noticed the other's reaction. The older just flinched away from him and one arm was protecting his body.

"What?", asked Taehyung, stepping away from the other boy who was confusingly staring at him, "If you have nothing else to say then I'll be going".

"Why did you step away from me?", Jeongguk asked sternly, stepping closer and seeing the other boy move away again, "What are you doing?"

"Look, I have a date tonight so let me change and shut up if you have nothing to say". The snap towards him saddened the younger boy even more. What had happened between them? What had changed?

"I made lasagna for us", Jeongguk admitted even while knowing Taehyung wouldn't stay to eat it, "I thought we could eat dinner together and then watch a movie".

The older boy merely blinked at the offer.

"I didn't add meat in the lasagna of course", he awkwardly talked on, trying to at least convince the other, "I even bought us nachos and salsa since I know you love eating that while watching a movie. I also found a really good romantic drama for us to watch!"

"You didn't ask me", Taehyung blankly spoke out, surprising the younger with his cold tone.


The older sighed, "You didn't ask me if I had anything to do tonight".

"I never had to ask that. I figured since you've been out all week you might wanna stay in one night", Jeongguk talked back, a bit offended at the other's rude behavior, "Can't you call your boyfriend off for only one night?"

"Well the point is you should have asked. I'm going out", was the final answer before Taehyung reached the bathroom and slammed it shut.

"Well fine!", Jeongguk yelled out so the other could hear it, "I'll just invite some of my friends over". He turned away from the bathroom and sighed, "At least they'll appreciate my efforts".

The bathroom door was slammed open again and the older walked back into the room, clad in only boxers and a shirt, "Your friends!? My friends you mean!"

"Oh you still remember your friends? Well that's a relief, maybe you should tell them that cause I don't think they realize you still know them. And I didn't even mean your friends, I meant Holly and the rest", Jeongguk snapped back, having enough of the older's behavior, "Ever since you got a boyfriend, you've been ignoring everyone else around you. Can't you see that?"

"You're just jealous I have a boyfriend and you haven't", Taehyung replied with a scoff, "And I still hang out with my friends".

Jeongguk snorted at that, "Is that so? Then tell me, when do you hang out with them? In the morning? No that can't be, because they always eat breakfast with me. At lunch? No, because they sit at our table then too. In the evening? Nope, because then you're away with your boyfriend. Maybe at a party? Ah that can't be right, because you don't go to them anymore".

At this point Taehyung was seething with anger, "I knew it!", he yelled out, "You're stealing them away from me! You're stealing my friends like he said you would!"

He said?

"That's not true! I never intended on stealing them away from you! I never even intended on befriending them! Did you forget that you were the one who introduced me to them? You were the one who wanted us to hang out together. And you were the one who locked us all out as soon as you got yourself a boyfriend!"

Taehyung laughed, "You so are jealous because I got a boyfriend. I knew it".

"What?", Jeongguk heaved, "I don't care about your stupid boyfriend! I only care about you abandoning everyone around you!"

"As if", Taehyung shook his head, grin now on his face, "I knew you lied to me".

"Lied to you about what?", the younger asked, anger slowly simmering away, "What do you think I lied to you about? I don't understand Taehyung".

The older boy walked back into the bathroom to grab his pair of pants and slid them on quickly. He grabbed his keys and wallet all while Jeongguk was left standing confused and saddened while waiting for a reply.

"What did I lie about?", he asked again, hoping he'd at least get a reply.

Taehyung looked back over his shoulder, one hand already opening the front door.

"You lied about being straight".

And with those final words the door slammed shut and Taehyung was gone. Again.

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