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JEONGGUK woke up with a groan, squinting his eyes at the sudden ache in his back. He rolled onto his side, placing a hand on his back to massage the spot, eyes slowly opening as he realized he was lying on the ground.

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he spotted a red shiny apple placed on the ground next to him. A little note was accompanying the apple and the younger had to get up a little to read the words neatly written on the white paper.

Good morning you lazy pig.
I brought you an apple since I know you'll be late for breakfast
Love, the beautiful gay.

The boy's eyes widened in only a matter of seconds as he read the note, body scrambling off the ground and grasping the apple in his way up. He leaped to his digital clock that displayed the numbers: 7:55 am as a shrill shriek left his lips. He was so dead. He only had five minutes left for class and he had no intention on coming late to class on only his second day.

A profanity of curses left his mouth as he jumped into blue jeans and a red shirt before grabbing his shoes and running out of the room with his backpack hanging on his left shoulder. He could barely slip into the elevator as it was closing and awkwardly sent a smile to the students staring at the sweaty ravenhead.

He quickly slid into his shoes, and as soon as the elevator made a short ding noise, he dashed out of the little space before anyone else could.

Jeongguk sprinted as fast as he could - leaving some students stare after the racing boy - trying to find his classroom. He noticed some of his friends waiting out on the hallway, meaning the classroom was still being used by an other class. It also meant that he was on time.

"Hell yes!", he heaved, clutching his sides that stung from running too hard. Holly chuckled as she clapped the boy on his back, making him stumble forward a bit.

"Good going champ", Lizzie giggled, bumping his shoulder, "Almost late on his second day".

Jeongguk rubbed his arm as he mumbled out a reply, something along the lines of my gay idiot of a roommate vandalized my alarm and left me sleeping on the floor which made his friends quirk their eyebrows.

Daesung slung his arm around the ravenhead's neck, guiding him into the classroom when it was finally empty. "You know bro, I've been wondering. It seems like you haven't known your roommate for that long. But you two also seem awfully familiar around each other".

Jeongguk merely shrugged as he sat down onto a random chair in the room. "A social extrovert packed into a gay idiot isn't really someone to be shy around".

Chanhyuk sat down beside Daesung as the two girls sat in front of them, turning around in their chairs to face them to follow the conversation.

Jeongguk was very fascinated by the two girls who were as different as the sun & the moon when placed together.

Holly, with skin the color of the rich earth, hair as black as charcoal and eyes as dark as a starry night.

Lizie, almost as white as the foam of the sea, with hair as red as a blazing fire and wide green eyes as a spring day.

Though they were opposites, they fit together like yin & yang.

almost like a shy boy & a loud boy we know hmmmm *wink wink*

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