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"Okay, what happened?"

JEONGGUK blinked at the sudden statement that came from Holly just as he had opened the door. Holly had merely had a chance to glance at his face for a second and could already tell something was wrong. He didn't know he looked that sad.

He let his friends in that had been waiting in the hallway, since he had promised them homemade lasagna. (he had optioned on dumping it in Taehyung's bed and smearing it all over his clothes but thought that might be a tiny tiny bit over the top)

"How could you tell?", he asked as they made themselves comfortable on Jeongguk's bed and the chairs. Daesung snorted, "Dude, you told us you were planning on having dinner with him".

"And you inviting us for the lasagna you specially made for him doesn't mean good things", Chanhyuk continued, the rest nodding along with him.

"Oh", the ravenhead replied, "I forgot I told you guys". He really did completely forget about that. The excitement of his plan and then the disappointment when it turned into a flop must've tainted his brains.

Lizzie bumped his shoulder as she was sat next to him on the bed, "So what happened? Did you get into a fight?" Lizzie was the kind of person that when she had seen him and Taehyung arguing, she would have stood beside them shouting 'fight fight fight' at them like some high school kid.

"Sort of yeah", he sighed, shoulders sinking as his head started a replay of his encounter with Taehyung, "There was a lot of yelling and accusing words until he left in anger".

Holly groaned, "So he waas he being an asshole again?"

"Like he has been ever since his gay ass got a boyfriend", Daesung muttered. The boy had never really liked Taehyung. Maybe it was due the fact he found Taehyung too eccentric, too loud, or maybe because Taehyugn & Daesung looked too alike in so many aspects of their personality that they just didn't match.

"Our Jeongukkie doesn't deserve this treatment", Holly pouted, squishing the youngest's puffed out cheeks, "Poor baby".

"Shut up", he whined in reply, feeling his cheeks burn, both from embarrassment and pain. The others chuckled at that but the laughter quickly died down as a knock came from the door. Four pair of eyes suddenly stood wide as they stared suspiciously at the door.

"Are you expecting someone?", Chanhyuk asked, looking back at him but glancing at the door when another impatient knock came from behind it.

"No", Jeongguk frowned, "Do you think-" Hope, as a light, it flickered shortly in his heart. But it died down as soon as it had started burning. He knew Taehyung. He knew the older could be a stubborn ass, so he wouldn't just come back to apologize. (maybe he'd come back for the lasagna but that chance was small)

"Maybe it's Taehyung", Lizzie speaks up, hope in her voice, "Wanting to apologize".

"Realizing just how much of an asshole he is being", Daesung grumbled.

Jeongguk shook his head at that, "That's highly impossible". He then stood up from the bed and made his way over to the door, finally ending the annoying knocking sound.

"Fucking finally!", Jimin screeched, his fists almost knocking on Jeongguk's head as the door flew open, "I've been standing here for five minutes just banging the fuck out of this door".

Jeongguk quirked his eyebrow at that and saw Jimin's cheeks fill up with redness," Not in that way!"

He let the midget into his dorm and Jimin was immediately greeted by the others (who had taken their chance to stuff their faces full of lasagna now Jeongguk wasn't looking)

"You made lasagna and you didn't invite me?", Jimin pouted, quickly grabbing a fork and then began prodding in the large bowl, "How dare you". He fake sobbed as he shoveled some in his mouth, making the younger roll his eyes.

The raven head sat himself on the ground, watching the rest munch on his food, "So what are you doing here? If you're here for Taehyung, then you might have noticed already but he isn't here".

"When is he ever?", Jimin spoke with a roll of an eye which made the others hum in reply, "And I'm here to talk to you about his birthday present. We found something to give him".

Jeongguk hesitated- and he saw his friends' eyes flicker to him. He didn't want to cause drama between Taehyung and his friends so he never told Jimin and the rest about his arguments with his roommate.

"I uh don't think I'm going through with buying him something", Jeongguk eventually replied, ignoring the falling of Jimin's happy expression, "I think he wants something special from his friends, and I'll rather not be included in it".

"But you are his friend! You're also our friend", Jimin exclaimed, not realizing the others had gone silent, seeing as they understood where Jeongguk was coming from, "Not giving him a present would just make him sad".

"I think me giving him a present with his friends would just make him mad", the younger replied softly, "And I don't think he'd even accept it- heck I don't know what he would do". He could just imagine Taehyung's nose crinkling in disgust as he realized Jeongguk belonged to his group of friends now.

Jimin's eyebrows were furrowed in confusion, "I don't understand. Did something happen between you two? I know he's been a jerk lately but he won't get mad at you for getting him a present".

Oh I'm not so sure about that.

Jeongguk sighed, "I'll think about it".

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