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IT was late in the evening, the digital clock on Jeongguk's nightstand striking eleven, as the two boys, bundled up in blankets, just finished their first movie with the older of the two crying like an idiot.

Jeongguk merely patted the boy on the back and handed him a packet of tissues, mumbling a you're welcome to a snottering Taehyung.

"This movie gets me every time", the blonde hiccuped, as he blew his nose, "It's just so tragic how their love was forbidden like that".

No, Taehyung wasn't speaking about the classic movie called Romeo & Juliet. No, what they had just seen was the disney movie Lady & The Tramp, a movie about animated dogs. And Jeongguk was honestly so confused why the older was crying like a child when it wasn't even real.

When Taehyung was done sobbing & hiccuping, he closed his lapop and turned to the younger boy who was playing with his fingers on the bed. They were huddled up in bed together, squished on one single bed, that one being Taehyung's, with only fairy lights lighting up their faces.

He smiled softly at the yawning younger, before quickly telling himself to stop admiring his straight roommate and averted his gaze. "I noticed you got yourself a nice litle group of friends on your first day. Didn't think you were the social type", he spoke instead of giving into the temptation of staring at the pretty boy lying in his bed.

Jeongguk snorted, raising his head to gaze at the fairy lights strung on the other side of the room, "I'm really not that social". He sighed as memories of his old group of friends came flooding in, "I just started talking to this guy who seemed really friendly and without realizing I got tugged along to the next class by Holly and her friend and then dragged to our next one by Daesung and suddenly we were with five. I didn't really need to do a lot except smile and reply".

"Well that's kind of how socializing works", Taehyung chuckled while almost dangling from his bed, trying to grasp something from underneath it before appearing back with nachos & salsa in his hands. He sheepishly smiled as the younger dumbfoundly stared at the items, "I bought them and stashed them under my bed before going on the date just in case..."

"Seems you should trust your instincts more", Jeongguk chuckled before grabbing a chip from the newly opened bag, "You don't see me complaining though".

Taehyung chuckled along and dipped his nacho in the sweet salsa, almost moaning at the taste since he had been waiting on eating it ever since buying the chips in the afternoon. He watched his roommate munch along with him, almost like a little bunny he was nibbling on the sides of the nacho which made the older miss the jar of salsa and accidently dip his nacho into nothingness.

Jeongguk raised an eyebrow at the flustered blonde who had missed the salsa by more than a few centimeters. The older quickly shoved the nacho inside his mouth while awkwardly smiling before looking away.

calm thy nerves taehyung, you knew he was pretty ever since meeting him! and you knew what else you knew? He's straight! So stop staring at him and think about all the gay guys you can flirt with tomorrow.

Taehyung nodded to himself and quickly stuffed some more nachos into his face.

It wouldn't have been the first time he would fall for a straight guy & get his heart broken.

But this time he wanted things to be different. He appreciated Jeongguk as a friend, and that would be everything he'd stay.

Pffft as if

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