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THE said boy was startled as a bowl of soup was basically thrown onto the table together with a hasty Jeongguk sitting down in front of him. The smaller boy took the hand off his heart once he saw who it was that had caused his momentarily heart attack and went back to reading his textbook.

"Jimin", Jeongguk said again, a short whine leaving his lips, "Stop reading your damn homework and focus on more important things".

The other boy looked up with a raised eyebrow, "What could be more important than my studies?"

"Your friends' sex life", Jeongguk replied, grinning when he saw the older slam his text book shut with excited eyes.

"What about it? Did you guys finally do it!?", Jimin asked, curiosity clear in his voice, "Though you have only been together for only a week now and knowing Taehyung, he's too shy to initiate anything with his virgin ass. So what's the news? Or do you need advice? Because let me tell you, this boy right here knows all the best places, positions and much more".

Jeongguk momentarily froze before he slammed his hands down onto the table, "What did you just say?"

"I said that I know all the best places, positions-"

"No no before that", the younger dismissed what the other was saying, not wanting to know Jimin's past experiences, "Did you just say virgin?"

The older boy frowned, "Yeah? Why- Oh!" Jimin seemed to get what Jeongguk was so stumped about and his eyes lit up, "You thought Taehyung wasn't a virgin!"

Jeongguk quickly shushed the older, since he had been quite loud, and got closer, "Well yeah of course I thought he had some experience. The guy has dated tons of boys before me".

"Straight boys to be exact", Jimin corrected seeing something in Jeongguk change, as if he was realizing something, "He never did anything more with them because as soon as his relationship with them turned sexual the heteros got out of there".

"So... you're telling me... he's also a virgin", Jeongguk spoke slowly, blinking a few times, "Which means-".

"That you're both some shy and awkward virgin boyfriends? Yep that's right".

The younger gave Jimin a glare before he finally grabbed his bowl of soup to take a large slurp of it. "Interesting...", he said, seemingly thinking of something. Jimin looked at him with amused eyes as he got back to his textbook.

"I'll give them a week", he mumbled to himself.


Jimin smirked once he opened the door to an awkward Taehyung, fumbling with what seemed to be Jeongguk's large sweater hanging off his body. He handed Taehyung the thing he had asked for a few minutes ago over text and leaned against the doorway, "Next time, buy your own".

Taehyung gave him a glare, which only made the grin on Jimin's face grow. "Have fun loverboy", he singsonged before closing the door, hearing feet quickly scurry away behind the door.

"What was that all about?"

The smaller boy merely smiled as he made himself comfortable on the male's lap and nestled his face in the crook of his neck. "Just some boys planning some sex", Jimin softly replied, feeling arms close around his waist.

"I hope you didn't give them the strawberry ones", the older replied with a frown, "You know those are my favorite".

Jimin pecked the older's jaw and then captured his lips, "Don't worry Namjoon. I didn't give them our favorite condoms".


The cashier tried to hold back a laugh when she scanned the boy's items. "Scared to hurt your girlfriend?", the thirty year old woman asked as she dropped the last items in the bag, trying to stifle a laugh when she saw the boy's cheeks redden.

Jeongguk awkwardly scratched the back of his neck and stammered, "Ah- uh- no- well-".

The cashier grinned and handed the boy his bag of groceries, which contained some food and three bottles of lube. The last items were the reason Jeongguk had went to the shop in the first place, but since he didn't want to seem too desperate, he picked up some food along the way. But he was still very embarrassed, especially now the cashier had pointed the items out.

He had picked up several bottles since he had no clue if it had to be flavored, or what if Taehyung or he had some allergies of some sorts? That's why he had picked up three different brands with three different flavors, deciding to go all out now he was buying it anyway. This way he'd have to go through the embarrassment only one time.

"I don't think you need that much in one time", the lady whispered, holding a hand next to her mouth as if that would stop the other people in line from listening into their conversation, "And in general you don't really need that much".

Jeongguk gulped. "Well... he told me it'd be necessary", he mumbled out awkwardly.

"Whoever gave you that advice obviously doesn't know a thing about sex", the cashier spoke a matter of factly.

"Well he doesn't. But I hope after tonight we'll know a thing or two", Jeongguk replied before hastily scurrying away, realizing he had said too much and the cashier lady now had figured out he was gay.

"Well-", the lady mumbled to herself, "I guess you need lube if you want it up the ass".

She made a face of disgust.

"Why are the cute ones always gay"

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