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IT was only a week later when Taehyung shoved himself between numerous students in the hallway, jumped over several benches, and accidently kicked a sandwich out of a guy's hand just to reach his friends so he could tell the big news.

"I've got a boyfriend!"

His teeth were clenched in a boxy smile and his eyes went up into crescents as he yelled out the news, startling every person sat in the circle on the grass in front of him.

"He finally asked you?", Jimin yelled out, dropping his food back into his lap, "That's great!"

Taehyung nodded with enthusiasm and quickly sat down between his friends who all congratulated him.

"So can we finally know who the mystery guy is?", Yoongi asked, clinging onto the younger's arm with sleepy eyes. "Yeah, I really want to know who he is", Jin butted in, hands held in a pleading manner.

The blonde smiled, "Nope".

"What?", they all yelled out, "That's so unfair!"

Taehyung chuckled and calmed down his friends, "I'll introduce you to him as soon as I'm ready for him to meet you guys".

"Aha, that sounds a lot better", Hoseok said, "I really hope he's not anything like the other guys you dated".

The younger shook his head and smiled, "I know he won't break my heart like they did. I trust him".

Jeongguk was on his way from the bathroom to his group of friends who were eating their sandwiches in the cafeteria. He bought a bottle of water on the way over there and almost reached their table until-

"Looks like we have a fag in the room".

Jeongguk flinched at the sudden appearance of his old group of friends that were sat close to where his new group of friends were. Youngjae had gotten up from his seat, hands leaning on the table and smirk plastered on his face.

"Still know us? Or have your fag friends made you forget about us?"

The rest of the table snickered while Jeongguk frowned at what the other had said. His friends, that were only two tables away, furrowed their eyebrows too. They couldn't hear what was going on between Jeongguk and the unknown guy but they could tell their friend wasn't too pleased with the conversation.

"Shut up", the youngest murmured and tried walking past them, ignoring the stare of one particular person: Yugyeom.

For some weird reason they let him walk away without any further disturbances. Jeongguk had a bad feeling about that, specifically because of the confident smirk that was still on Youngjae's face when he left.

The other guys frowned at Youngjae when he sat down, confused on why he had let Jeongguk go that easily.

"Don't worry", he smirked evilly, "Soon he won't be able to walk away that easily. He won't be able to hide any longer".

"What was that all about?", Holly asked when Jeongguk finally reached their table, the bottle of water almost crushed in his hand.

"Nothing", he replied, shrugging it off like it hadn't affected him in any way.

"C'mon, we can tell that wasn't just a friendly encounter. Do you know those guys?", Daesung asked as he lowered his sandwich.

"It's a long story that I don't want to bore you with".

But lucky for him, his friends were supportive and didn't care if it was boring or not.

And for certain upcoming events, it was a good thing to tell his friends what happened.

Why? Well you can't know yet hehe.

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