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JEONGGUK sighed, tapping his fingers against the counter in time with the ticking of the kitchen clock. A small table that held just enough space for four people and a fridge, freezer, cooking plate & sink were the only things present in the room (except for the ravenhead of course).

A sudden ding diverted Jeongguk's attention that was focused on the outside world through the little window in the kitchen to the oven where he had shoved the lasagna into just about twenty minutes ago. Taehyung had texted him the time so he would be sure Jeongguk was going to eat the damn food he made & also didn't burn it. The raven haired student got out oven gloves and opened to oven, watching steam escape as soon as he pulled at it.

The lasagna seemed fine - crusty but not burned - so jeongguk safely got it out (in case he'd burn himself like he once did while playing with candle grease. He still got an ugly scar from that)

He hadn't planned on eating in the kitchen, and rather taking the lasagna to his room since he didn't want people walking into the kitchen, only to see a lonely first year student eating a really large bowl of lasagna against his will. Because he didn't want people to think he was a loner, he decided on eating alone in his room while his roommate was on a date and his new friends were going out with old friends from highschool which Jeongguk doesn't have and- woah, he really was a loner. Who was he even fooling?

Jeongguk huffed and carried the lasagna to his dorm, hot pink oven gloves protecting his hands from the steaming food. He nudged the door open with his foot while balancing his weight onto the other, not really wanting to spill the whole bowl onto the carpeted hallway floor, and stumbled inside before slamming the bowl down onto his desk.

His brown eyes flickered over to his digital clock and realized Taehyung had been away for almost three hours now. He had left at four pm, right after Jeongguk's classes, and it was now almost seven.

Grabbing a spoon, he started prodding into the tomato sauce cake, scraping sticky cheese from the sides and hissing as he burnt his tongue from shoveling food inside without cooling it down. He was bored. Usually evenings like this wouldn't bother him too much. He'd be at home with his parents, watching tv with them or playing with their dog Pipa. Sometimes he'd play videogames in his room or watch youtubers for a long time until he'd fall asleep, jacksepticeye's voice still lingering in the background.

He never realized how exciting and busy other people's lives were. He couldn't help but face the truth now he was constantly surrounded by people his age. To be honest; he felt like a loser. That's why he denied himself to blast Dua Lipa through the speakers, denied himself to watch markiplier's new video or look up fresh memes about the brand new game detroit become human. He'd only feel worse so that's why he sat silently eating in a silent room.

That is until he heard a familiar gay speak from behind the door.

"Thank you for the nice evening. I'll text you later okay?"

He heard a gruff answer follow and before he even realized it, Taehyung was striding into the room, flinging his
phone and wallet on the bed before wiggling & squirming out of black booty shorts. Jeongguk merely blinked as he watched the blonde grab another spoon and join him at the desk, scooping up some steaming hot lasagna before smiling at the younger in his underwear. Lucky for him Taehyung was wearing plain boxers that were mostly covered by his silk blue shirt.

"Had a nice date?", Jeongguk asked after coming back to his senses.

Taehyung rolled his eyes as he chewed on his homemade food, "Remind me never to date a jock again. The dude was sooo boring. Like, he took me out to some crappy restaurant where half of his friends were also eating- meaning we were never alone. He tried paying for my food, even after I told him we could just split the bill, and then realized he didn't bring any money. He let me talk about myself all the time but hello my life isn't that interesting to fill three hours with. Doesn't he have a life to talk about? Or just something except for his ranting about football teams?"

"So it sucked", Jeongguk stated, spinning around on his desk chair as Taehyung had propped himself onto the desk, feet swinging as he ate.

"Absolutely", the blonde nodded and sighed deeply, "I was so hungry but they almost had no food there without meat in it. I mean- do they never get vegetarians around?"

"Didn't know you were a vegetarian", Jeongguk spoke up in surprise. Now that he thought about it- the older hadn't had any meat in his taco when they went to the restauramt last night and instead had gotten more guacamole in it. And the lasagna they were eating at the moment had a lot of extra vegetables in it but no meat whatsoever. He should have noticed.

"Well there are a lot of things you don't know about me", Taehyung shrugged before a smile worked up his face, "But since we're roommate that'll change rather quickly".

"I suppose so yeah", the younger nodded, opening a can of soda and hearing the fizz bubble.

Taehyung slid off the desk and padded over to his own where his laptop was present, "Want to watch a movie? I'm so bored I don't think I can survive doing school work".

"But you haven't even had real classes yet?", Jeongguk retorted, watching the older shrug.

"Our teacher sent us a mail for a project we have to start already. But I'm a huge procrastinator so I'll probably do it the night before", Taehyung replied, placing his laptop onto his bed, "So what do you think of a romantic comedy?"

Not really my style but I remember Taehyung saying his former roommates judged him for that.

Jeongguk smiled as if he was excited to hear the request, "Sure, sounds great".

1k words??? Woahh that's a first for this story ʕʔ btw my grades were great (mom cried) & i arrived in croatia yesterday and am now tanning at the pool. Hope you liked this chapter!! I had to write it on my phone since dad didnt bring the laptop so now my fingers hurt owie

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