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"WHAT the fuck is he so happy about? He's disturbing my gloomy sleep".

Jimin chuckled at his hyung's grumpy comment as they all watched their maknae almost skip to get lunch. Taehyung had been in the greatest mood, accompanied with a stupid goofy smile, ever since they saw him in the morning. But no one actually knew why.

"He's got a date", the eldest spoke up after gobbling up a whole hamburger. The table fell silent and four stares immediately went over to him. "What? You know how he is when he's got a stupid crush", Jin scoffed, wondering if he was actually the only smart person at the table.

"That's true", Hoseok nodded, "He always turns into this lovesick idiot once he's got his eyes on someone".

Jimin gasped, "You don't think it's his new roommate right? I saw the boy at yesterday's party and he seemed pretty cute".

"I don't think it's him", Namjoon thought out loud, "Taehyung did say Jeongguk was straight and he promised he would never fall for the heterosexuals again".

"He says that every time", Yoongi mumbled, head dropped onto Hoseok's shoulder, "But I don't think it's him either. He seems good friends with him, and he never first becomes friends with his flirts".


"What the fuck are you smiling about?"

Taehyung glanced up from his laptop, eyebrows furrowed as his eyes locked onto Jeongguk's irritated ones.

"What do you mean?", the blonde asked, closing his laptop screen which displayed the assignment he had been working on. The younger rolled his eyes, dropping his own assignment on the bed. Jeongguk had been dealing with an horrendous headache ever since he had woken up. After having morning classes, that only worsened his hangover, he then come back into his dorm where a overly happy Taehyung who wouldn't stop smiling for once one millisecond. It honestly really aggravated him.

"You've been having this idiotic smile on your face ever since you woke up this morning. What could be that great to be so happy about for so long?"

"What? Can't I be happy?", Taehyung huffed, crossing his legs, "Seems like the happiness fairy needs to sprinkle up your ass mister grumpy pants".

Jeongguk rolled his eyes before grabbing his assignment again, grumbling something to himself which the blonde failed to hear.

"And if you really want to know, I've scored a date yesterday. And he's taking me out tomorrow".

The younger raised a eyebrow and peeked underneath the other's bed. "Didn't buy nachos?"

"I don't think it's necessary", Taehyung replied confidently before going back to his laptop.

Jeongguk frowned at that. The blonde seemed to really like this guy. He wondered what kind of person Taehyung's date was.


The next day Jeongguk joined Taehyung on a small shopping trip. The oldest had wanted to go find a new outfit for his date that night and thought the opinion of a straight guy would be refreshing to hear.

"I'll go buy us some coffee while you pay for your clothes. Do you want anything with it?"

Taehyung looked up from his wallet and smiled, "A muffin sounds nice. I'll give you some money-"

"No, it's my treat", Jeongguk held up his hand to stop the older, a smile gracing his lips. He shook his head as the blonde started to argue and sighed, "You've been my friend ever since I arrived here and I'm very grateful for you putting up with my shit".

"So you're buying me coffee because you know you are a pervert?"


"Sounds good", the older laughed, feeling more flattered than he should be. He tried to ignore the cute bunny smile on his roommate's face and focused back on the clothes he was holding. He heard the younger walk off and let out a sigh of relief.

This day had been much more complicated than he had expected it to be.

Every time he walked out of the dressing room with a new outfit on, and felt the younger's eyes check him out, roaming around every little detail of clothes, he'd get hot and feel his cheeks burn.

Jeongguk now thought he was just feeling a little sick.

But Taehyung knew better. And he really tried focusing on his date tonight, and not on his pretty roommate.

so taehyung is a person that falls in love easily (lmao same) and he kind of got a crush on jeongguk since day one. but since jeongguk is straight & taehyung has gotten his heart broken more than once bc straight boys saw him as an experiment & he wants to value his friendship with gguk ^ ^

also i announce my doggo as mascot of the story. her name is zora

 her name is zora

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