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JEONGGUK hadn't expected that when he opened the door to his dorm that evening, everything would change after that. He hadn't expected this day to end in an absolute disaster, ending into him losing his roommate. He hadn't want any of it to happen. But it was inevitable.

Because when he opened the door to his dorm he saw Youngjae sitting on his bed, clad in all black and reading something that looked an awful lot like his personal notebook. Just the mere sight of the boy touching what belonged to him had his blood bubbling and with a trembling voice he spoke.

"What are you doing here?"

The unwanted boy looked up from the notebook, just having finished reading Jeongguk's lyrics. A big smirk formed onto his lips when he looked into the angry eyes of the younger, enjoying the effect he had on him. He slowly closed the book and threw it onto the floor like it was a piece of garbage.

"Good day to you too Jeonggukie", the other smiled, almost snorting at the way Jeongguk's expression turned from surprised to sour, "Fancy seeing you here".

The younger scoffed and threw his backpack onto his desk, wanting to be just alone for a while before he would have to confront Yugyeom – which would be hard enough on itself.

Confronting Youngjae though... that wasn't on his planning.

"This is my dorm", Jeongguk replied without emotion, "What did you expect?"

He hated that Youngjae was sitting on his bed because now he would have to burn those sheets and place new ones. "So what are you doing here?", he asked once again, wondering if this was just Youngjae's plan on trying to bully him. But how had he gotten into the dorm without a key? Surely Taehyung wouldn't just welcome strangers in. He hadn't become that stupid. "And how did you get in here?"

"I'm waiting for my boyfriend", the older replied, making the other even more confused.

"Well can't you wait somewhere else for him than in this particular ro-"

He stopped talking once Youngjae got something out of his pocket and dangled it from his pinky finger, "And I got the key".

Wait- boyfriend? You don't mean- no he it can't be. Taehyung wouldn't fall for an idiot like him- he said he doesn't fall for straight guys and Youngjae has been straight his whole life! Boyfriend? He is Taehyung's boyfriend!?

"W-wait. You are Taehyung's mysterious boyfriend?", he managed to get out, "You. The one who has been calling me a fag for years is a fag himself? Are you kidding me?"

Youngja cringed- though it was fake and tutted his lips, "I don't like that word very much. You better not use it around here".

"What? Fag!?", he yelled out in question, frustration and anger mixed into his voice. He only stopped mentally raging when he heard a door slam shut and the air got eerie. "What did you call him?", he heard a deep voice ask, and it didn't sound too friendly.

Oh shit noodles.

"Tae-". He turned around, hoping he could still explain himself and set things right between them, but when he met the blonde's gaze he knew that there would be no room for explaining. It was over.

"That's it", Taehyung growled as he took a step closer, "You steal my friends. You lie about everything. And now you're yelling at my boyfriend? How dare you call him that!? How dare you act innocent when it's you that's ruining everything! You blame everything on me, but have you looked at yourself? You're disgusting".

"I'm disgusting?", Jeongguk's voice was a weak whisper, but it got boosted by the anger inside, "I'm disgusting!? You are the one being too goddamn stupid to open your eyes! Maybe you should stop being brainwashed by your obviously straight boyfriend and look around to the mess you created! Not by me, but by you".

Taehyung scoffed and shook his head. He had his arms crossed and was chuckling to himself as if he found the whole situation funny.

"What's so funny huh? You like ruining your own life? You like turning everyone against you yourself and then blame me for it?", Jeongguk snapped, fists balling by his sides. It was awful to fight with someone who used to be a close friend in front of your enemy. He knew Youngjae was satisfied by their fight, since this had probably been his plan all along.

"I can't believe you. I can't believe I ever liked your stupid ass", Taehyung at last mumbled, his eyes closed as if he was disappointed in himself.


Taehyung bumped the younger's shoulder, who was frozen, and grabbed Youngjae before dragging him away. "You won't see me here ever again", Taehyung snapped, leaving with his grinning boyfriend who waved at the shocked younger. "Bye", Youngjae mouthed and slammed the door shut.

"I-I don't understand?"

His hand slowly placed itself over his heart, gripping at the material.

"I lost you to him?"

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