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»»———CHAPTER FIVE———««

"WHAT is it now Taehyung?", the woman asked in dismay, cheek almost sliding off her hand, "Oh wait- let me guess! You don't like your dormmate again?"

The blonde rolled his eyes as he put his whole weight onto the counter, arms almost reaching out to her in a plead, "Please Kirsten-"


"Please Kristen", the boy pleaded, "You matched me with my ex out of all people! I can't live with him for a whole year! Do you know how awkward that will be?"

The receptionist rolled her eyes, "Almost everyone in this building is your ex by now Taehyung. I can't find any more guys to room with you. I really thought this one would work out since he's a first year. How on earth did you manage to date that? He was in highschool just three months ago"

"Apparently he came to Daegu for a little vacation and we kinda had a short romance", the blonde spoke bored, "He got scared after summer was over since he had been straight forever and he didn't want to tell his friends or family so we broke up. I can't stand him and he doesn't want to interact with me since he's supposed to be straight and is now scared of my gayness".

The lady rolled her eyes, "How do you always manage to do that Taehyung? Bringing out the gay out of every straight boy? I should room you with a woman for god's sake!"

"Please do", Taehyung piped up, immediately agreeing, "At least they would let me watch romantic movies without telling me how weird it is. They would even join me!"

"But sadly the school's policy doesn't allow boys and girls to room together so I think this boy here will have to do for now", Kristen replied before nodding her head over to Jeongguk who had been silently watching the whole thing take place. The raven haired boy suddenly blinked when he felt two pairs of eyes stare at him and he quickly broke out of his daze when the blonde turned to him.

"Are you gay?", the blonde asked, way too sudden for a still surprised younger.

"What?", Jeongguk asked, brows now furrowed in confusion.

"Are you gay?", Taehyung asked once again, arms now crossed over each other.

"N-no", the younger stuttered, backing away as the sharp look of the other intimidated him a bit.

"Not even a little? Like a tiny speck gayness floating around in your body yearning for a manly touch?", Taehyung asked, pushing further.

"No!", Jeongguk shook his head, weirded out by the other, "But why does it matter?"

The older smacked his lips, "Because if you're not gay that means we could never date which means I won't have to change dorms ever again. And that's something Kirsten and I would very much appreciate".

"It's Kristen", the receptionist muttered, glaring at the smiling blonde student, "But anyway, I'll put you two in a dorm and make your ex-boyfriend the new dorm mate of your ex best friend".

The two boys nodded before glancing shortly at each other again.

"Well it's nice to meet you I guess. My name is Kim Taehyung. I'm 21 and study English Journalism. You?"

Jeongguk accepted the extended hand, watching their tanned hands shake, "I'm Jeon Jeongguk and I study Film. And I'm 19".

The older hummed before letting go of the other's slightly smaller hand, "I'm a great model by the way. So if you ever need to have a shoot for your photography class, I'm all yours. No homo of course".

Jeongguk answered the other's sly smile with a shy one and nodded, "I'll remember that".

now whaddaya think about that?

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