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IT was a week later when Jeongguk was standing in line to buy lunch that he got grabbed by the wrist and dragged out of the lunch line by none other than his roommate.

"What-", the younger tried to argue, silently cursing at the other for pulling him away as he was just about to get his food.

"I bought you lunch already", the blonde replied with a bright smile as he pulled Jeongguk over to a table filled with unknown people, "Here. I want you to meet my friends".

They stopped in front of a round table where five people were seated, their conversation having died down as they stared the newcomer down. Two trays of food were placed in front of two empty chairs and the older pushed Jeongguk in front of one chair while he took the other.

"Guys, meet my fabulous roommate Jeongguk", Taehyung started as the table was waiting for him to introduce the new student, "Jeongguk, these are my friends. They can introduce themselves because I'm too lazy to do it".

He sat down and pulled the younger down too so he wouldn't be the only one awkwardly standing up.

A boy with light blue hair smiled kindly, eyes almost disappearing as they turned into crescents, "Hi Jeongguk! We've heard a lot about you already. My name is Park Jimin".

It didn't take long for all the boys to introduce themselves after Jimin had started. The pink head's name was Min Yoongi and he studied music with a major in piano. A boy with the same hair color as Jeongguk was named Kim Seokjin and was about to graduate in medicine. The one with the purple hair introduced himself as Kim Namjoon, a mathematics student, and also head of the chess club. The last boy who had dark red curly hair which contrasted against his bright smile was Jung Hoseok, who studied dance together with Jimin.

When the boys had introduced themselves and listened to Jeongguk's shy stuttered out introduction they started eating again. Taehyung got up at one point to grab a snickers from the vending machine and trusted his friends to be kind to his roommate while he was away.

"You're quite special aren't you", were the first words that were spoken after the blonde had left the table. Jeongguk glanced up from his noodles and met five faces that all looked at him in suspicion.

"Um what?", Jeongguk asked after he had dropped his chopsticks from the intimidating looks he got, "I'm not special?"

Jimin nudged the person who had spoken those words, which had been Yoongi, and smiled, "He didn't mean it in a bad way. We're just really surprised Taehyung introduced you to us".

Jeongguk tiled his head to the side in confusion, "Why? I mean- It's not like I was informed about this. He just dragged me over here".

"Taehyung never lets us meet his roommates since he always dates them", Namjoon explained as he fumbled with his round glasses, "And he doesn't want us to be friends with his exes. You're the first roommate we have ever met. That's quite remarkable".

"Oh", the youngest replied, now finally understanding why the others had reacted so surprised, "Well maybe it's due the fact he's dating someone else and knows I'm not gay".

"But who is he dating?", Seokjin replied with a full mouth, "We originally guessed it was you. But that theory is now definitely out of the window".

Jeongguk almost choked in his noodles and felt Jimin hit his back incase he'd actually choke, "Me?", the younger wheezed, "Why me?"

"Because you're his roommate and hello, he always dates his roommates", Seokjin explained, "And you two seemed quite close".

"Yeah as friends", the youngest replied, after he had washed all the noodles away with his bottle of water, "Besides, the boy he's dating is a mystery to me too".

Their conversation was broken when Taehyung arrived again, chocolate bar already halfway eaten, "What's up?", he asked as he slid into his seat again.

"Jeongguk was just telling us about his new project", Hoseok quickly spoke, flashing a hesitant smile to his other friends who merely nodded. However, this ''new project" got Taehyung's attention.

"Do you need a model for it? I can always model!", the blonde piped up, excitedly grabbing onto the younger's arm.

"Uhh...", Jeongguk felt trapped, because he didn't have any ongoing project at the moment, "Yes. I actually need a model".

"You do!?", Taehyung asked, in chorus with the other five people.

Ah goddamnit I just needed to say I didn't need one. Why am I so stupid.

"Sure", Jeongguk nodded, "But I actually asked someone else alr-"

"Tell them you changed your mind", the blonde replied confidently, waving the younger's words away, "You won't find anyone more qualified than me".

Hoseok suddenly started grinning, "That's true. Taehyung has a lot of photogenic talent".

This made his blonde friend smile brightly until-

"That he got by all those nudes he sent!"

when ur chilling on the grass & suddenly ur doggo plants herself in ur lap

☆☆☆☆☆when ur chilling on the grass & suddenly ur doggo plants herself in ur lap

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