Chapter one(b)

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I set out early in the morning to the market, leaving elder sister to supervise the kitchen maids and their proper conduct, I was accompanied by Doha to see if I can find any foreign goods that I can keep busy on, the market has small stalls at the side with people passing by in the middle with mostly loads on their backs,I stopped at my most frequent shop.
"Are you still yet to resupply this?" I asked pointing at the veil on my face that covers my nose and the lower part of my face tied to my head.

"Yes" came the slow reply of the grumpy Ajusshi (Mr).

"When can I possibly get it because I have been coming here quiet often"

"I have noticed" he said looking up at me with a bored expression.
"Why do you wear that anyway, perhaps my lady has some vain speculations"

"Ajusshi!!" Doha exclaimed raising her voice.
"Apologise to her ladyship"

"Or what? Will you tie me up and whip me with a little stick?" He taunted with a snort.

"Oh trust me I will do much more than that to show a lowly person like yourself his place" a voice reproached from behind, a voice I know too well.

Choosing to ignore me he went forward and grabbed the man by the collar and kicked him.
The man fell to the ground but immediately scurried up to kneel.
"I am very sorry young master I didn't know you knew each other" turning to me he said.
"I am sorry my lady for my unforgivable behaviour"
Looking over at Oraboeni who was all too eager to beat him to a pulp I said.

"Orabeoni let's forgive the man so that he would have the hands and legs to make my purchase"
"By tomorrow evening" I finished.
The man swallowed nervously as if to say it was impossible but decided to keep quiet.
"Oraboeni let's go, Doha"I looked to the side meaning to say she should follow behind.

"Thank you so much my lady"he kept repeating.
Orabeoni gave him one last long look as we stepped out.
"Yoo hwa" he said turning to face me.
"What were you doing there,  I thought mother said to send Doha"

"What about you Orabeoni?"answering with a question.

"I was on my way to practice the sword"

"I thought we were suppose to be mourning his Majesty?"

"The dead are dead the one's around must live on"

"Hahh" I sighed "If only I brought out my sword this would be the best time to practice secretly....but I can go with horse riding before we get back" I said looking at him with pleading eyes.
"No!"he voiced out abruptly.
"A young lady shouldn't be seen with such dangerous items,riding a horse or heavens forgive climbing a tree leaving all her unmentionables to the open" he concluded mimicking our mother.
We burst out laughing.

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