Chapter forty two(b)

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I went to my chamber after seeing younger brother off, i found my lady Yoo hwa cuddled up in a ball.
"I was about to fall asleep" she said while her eyes were still closed.

"Is my lady that tired?" I asked sitting beside her.


"I don't see you during the day anymore, what have you been doing?"

"I have been around but your Majesty has been preoccupied"

"Have i?"
She let out a low yawn.

"You should sleep"

"I am about to fall asleep and the court maids aren't here"
"Are you going to change your royal robe yourself?"

"I can do it, have a goodnight rest"
"And today please my lady should lay straight" i said pulling her legs.

"It is just more comfortable like this" she whined.

"It is not healthy because of.."

"Blood circulation"
"I know"

"You will get used to it with time"

"Alright i will try it so that i don't keep pushing your Majesty off the bed"

"I and the cold floor are already best of friends, i think your concern has come a bit late your highness"
I expected to earn a glare but it never came, instead..
"Owh" a sharp pinch to my ribs.

"Is anything wrong your Majesty?" she asked sweetly.

"Owh" and another one from under the quilt.
I stood up.
"It is like my lady doesn't intend to sleep tonight" i said lifting the quilt completely.

'Let's find out how ticklish you are' i thought as i launched at her.

Prince chin mae's POV.

I saw the royal guard from the other day at the outer palace so i told one of my guards to keep his eye on him until i change my royal robe to a casual outfit.
When i met him outside the palace he was with another royal guard.

"Heay pretty boy" i called and he turned around.


"Yes, you"

"You do know i am older right?"

"Why?because of that scanty beard? no way"
"Where are you running off to early in the morning"

"Why are you here?"

"You managed to sneak away the other time but not today"
"Is he your friend?"

"Yes he is Gu yong ha"

"Let's catch up tomorrow, for today we have something important"
"Good bye then" he said fast.

"I won't interrupt"

"I don't think you can handle it"

"Let's wait and see"

We were walking along the market when i saw the pick pocketer.
I made careful quick steps to reach her but she turned around making eye contact.

"Stop there" i said and she started running, i raced after her the rest following behind me.
She made a wrong turn to a dead end.
"I have finally caught you" she turned around panting, her reddish black hair has fallen from the knot, i didn't get to have a close look the other time at her round hazel eyes and....i shook my head.
'Let's not have strange thoughts about this strange lady'

"You lost her that day?" He asked.

"Yes she kind of slipped"

"It is a misunderstanding"
"I just thought you were quiet.. quiet handsome"
'Is this how she wants to play it?'
"I wanted to be friends"

"Did you?"

"Our family has an odd way of making friends but it is our tradition"

"Is it?"
"Let's say that never happened, how are you going to take responsibility for this?" I said displaying the bit mark on my forearm.

"I.. I.."

"What is your name"


"Bring a medical kit here in two days and i would have to investigate if what you speak is truth"
"For now i have to be somewhere"

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