Chapter thirty(a)

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"Ambassador, I think we should rent horses here because we are still far from the capital city"

"Do you know how much that will cost?"

"I had the intention of buying things for my family so I happen to bring enough"

After giving me a long questionable look he replied.
"Pay for yours and I will pay for mine then"

When we reached the city gate we dropped from our horses to survey the area from a distance.
"They have been waiting for us here" the Ambassador said.
"We should tie our horses to that pole close to the well because it would look strange for foreign visitors to come on horses"

"What is the purpose of your visit?" One of the officers asked when we were close enough.
The Ambassador said something in Japanese that even I couldn't understand.

"Japanese only" I interpreted with a smile.

"Check for two suspicious men, they are criminals we must capture" the leader of those 'bandits' said loudly and walked up to us.
"Who are they?"he asked studying the unrecognisable Ambassador.

"They are foreigners"
"What is your purpose of visit ma'am?"the officer asked again.

"We visit grandfather" I replied with a fake accent.

"You may go ahead"

The Ambassador and I were about to make the quickest steps possible when the leader of the 'bandits' called us back.

"You look.." he said staring intently at the Ambassador.

"Aww! Aww! Aww!" I slowly reached to press my ankle.
The Ambassador immediately bent over to cover his face with the hat, he said something in Japanese but all I heard was 'Dear and leg'
"Hai (yes)" I managed to say.

"You are blocking the road" someone called to attention.

"Excuse us" I dismissed the leader limping.

"I have to admit there are many questionable things about you" the Ambassador remarked as we passed the city gate.

Gu yong ha's POV.
When I, a few soldiers and the workers reached the palace the General rushed to our side.

"Report" he commanded.

"I Gu yong ha is back safely with no casualties"

"That is good"
"The rest are inside?"

"We planned with the Ambassador that I lead the rest of the men back"

"What do you mean? Where is he?"

"He insists on relaying his Majesty's message so he is hopefully in Shilla by now"

"And Chae min, he is back right?"

"He is the only soldier with him"

His eye brows furrowed either in worry or disbelief.

"He is to escort the Ambassador"

He held his forehead with a subtle rub as if in some kind of distress.
'I wonder what has gotten the General into such state, what could be going on?'

"Is anyone chasing them?"


"You there, ready my horse"

"Yes General" one of the soldiers standing guard responded.

"General you can't go" the commander interrupted hurrying over.
"You can never know where they are right now"
"The men you sent are still searching for those two"

"I will join them"

"You can't go against his Majesty's order"

"You really have no idea who she is"

She? Are they talking about a different issue?

I kept watching the whole scene play until the commander ordered me to leave.

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