Chapter thirty seven(b)

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In the morning we went to a seamstress shop.

"You should choose the colours you like" his Majesty said.

"Are we going to sow new clothes?"


I have been accepting too much from his Majesty, i should do something for him too.
'A head band will be good'

"Your should choose three colours apart from your royal red too" i said in a low tone.
"Let's make an extra with this white it will be comfortable for sleeping"

"That will be all" he said to the seamstress when we were done picking.
"Make something simple for my lady"
"I will send for them in four days"

"I will make sure i get it done by then, don't worry" she replied.

"Your Majesty the braids you insisted on making this morning are getting loosed" i said when we were out of the shop.

"It is probably because it couldn't handle my perfection"

"I don't know how the princess managed this 'perfection' " i said under my breath.

"Is my lady saying something?"

"No it's nothing"

"Let's check out this stall before we leave"
"This necklace do you like it?"
It is quiet beautiful, it is a bird made from silver and tiny gems.

"It has a big stomach" i analyzed.

"Yes, exactly why i should buy it for you"


"It has enough space to store all the secrets retrieved from your heart"
"This full wings will help it report back to me"

"Then it will always come to you with an empty stomach"

"Will it?"
"This reminds me, was my lady ever sick or was it a cover"

"I have been healthy from the start"

"I was really worried about my lady"

"I apologize for deceiving your Majesty"

"It is all in the past now"
"Let's purchase it and hurry back there's somewhere we need to go in the evening"

"I guess all the horses in the palace must have taken ill since the commander brought one horse here" i said on our way back.
"That sly..."

"Is my lady uncomfortable?"

"No, not at all" i said as i got off the horse.
The pouch dropped on the floor. i carried it quickly hoping the spy bird didn't break, but unfortunately it did.

"It is broken" i said.

"Are you sure it wasn't intentional" his Majesty questioned.
"I will mend it when we get back" he said extending his hand.

"Let's mend it back some other time for now keep this with you" i said giving him the finely broken half.

When we moved close, we saw the commander pacing to and fro in front of our tent.

"Your Majesty"
"Your highness" he said rushing to our side.

"Is something wrong?" His Majesty asked.

The commander only swallowed nervously.

"What is it" i asked.

"Her highness Consort Yeon hee has been abducted"

Consort Yeon hee is the king's birth mother.

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