Chapter twenty eight(a)

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Yoo hwa's Pov
We have been walking for three days now and we are still in Goguryeo, I never knew this nation had this much land.
My whole body was aching from the long trek and my skin was loosing its colour, I don't know about how I will be able to survive the rest of the journey.

"Chae min is something wrong you look exhausted" Gu yong ha sought.

"I am fine, I think"

"Come let's sit"

"They would.."

"They won't go far"
We settled on the grass beside each other.
"You have been pampered a lot back home right?"

"It is just my first time traveling by foot"

"Ayyy! Is that possible? it is not like you are a noble or a woman"

"I am actually both" I confessed smiling.
And he laughed.

"No, I think you are royalty"
I smiled and went on to press my legs.
"Should this lowly servant massage your highness's leg?"

"No, i think this lowly servant should stay still"

"Whoa! you even have good acting skills"
"We should now join them your highness"

"Hyungnim I hope you would stop calling me that when people are around"

"What?Do you have more secrets?"

"Not at all"

"Then let's go"


After days we entered shilla's territory, we walked through a valley and it was surprisingly quiet.

"Hyungnim this place is strangely quiet" I whispered.

"We should be on our guard" he said looking up and around.

After a few minutes we started hearing footsteps and before we knew it strange men came out from behind the hills and surrounded us.

"Protect the Ambassador" Gu yong ha shouted as we unsheath our swords.
They always want to play this dirty little tricks and this time they didn't even care to mask their faces.

The ambassador came down from his horse.
"Tell your men to drop their weapons" one of the them said calmly.

"Why would we surrender to bandits?"

"Bandits?hah! I thought you would be smart enough to understand the situation"
"Tell them to drop it now"

"It would be too risky because we are outnumbered, so drop it" the Ambassador ordered an we complied.

They went on to pick our weapons, tied our hands and arms together as we walked to where seemed to be a dead end.

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