Where flowers wither.

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Three weeks later.
Yoo hwa's POV.
"You are here?"
"I should be coming to you from now on"
I peeped into the library.

"I came to say Goodbye to your Chamber"
"I heard you have released Ahn hyun ki"

"Yes, they won't stop flooding my scrolls with appeals stating the great services he has done for this nation"

"Forget it, forget them"i said laying on the side of the bed after untying my hair and the plain cloth binding my stomach.
"I can finally breath"i closed my eyes breathing the fresh air.

"Are you going to sleep in your uniform?"

"Why is your Majesty out?"
"Is your Majesty done?"

"What is with the sudden Pyeha(your Majesty) Pyeha"
I sat up to give him space to sit.
"Does my lady want to sneak into my bath house today too?"

"What if we really get caught this time?"
"And taking your guard twice because you can't bath well alone will be strange"

"Then should the Commander dismiss all the guards on our way?"


"Is he asleep?"

"I think so, but he will wake up soon"
"When i am moving around he thinks i am rocking him to sleep and when i sit in one place he wakes"

"Are you sure it is not because you bind him too tight?"

"No..i don't"

"Can i?"he asked extending his palm.
I smiled to reply.
"I think he is awake"
He shifted laying his head down on my lap.
"Let's see"
But every time his hand reaches my stomach he draws it back.
"This never ceases to amaze me"
'I too'
"Heavens!if he is this strong what will take him so long?"

"I think he woke up fully from your voice"

"My voice?"

"I heard he could hear voices"

"That is great"
"I should bring those books, starting from Confucius: Golden and silver rules, roots of a throne, military laws..".
He shifted to get up but i placed my hand on his forehead.

"Stay still"i threatened.

"What?he is the Crown prince, so i have to teach him well"

"Don't you want to go the bath house?"i asked with smile.

"Since your mother is threatening me with this i am left with no choice but to comply"
We heard the door squeak but before we could think about what could be going on the person made the sharp turn by the door catching us completely off guard.
In a speed of light his Majesty drew the bed curtain and i and my beating heart dropped flat on the bed.

"Baek ah"

"What brings Royal mother?"

Consort Yeon hee's POV.

"Is his Majesty inside?"
"Yes, but we have orders from the Commander not to let anyone in when he is not around"

"I won't take long"

"I will let him know"he said but told the maids to let me in.

Upon entering i saw something i never thought i would witness in my entire life.
My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
A lady in a guards uniform in his 'Chamber', seated on his Majesty's 'bed', and besides all these her hands were on his hair.
How can someone dare to touch his Royal body so freely?
I closed my eyes.
Not to think of why his hand was on her stomach.
I shouldn't have innocently entered because i don't think i can handle this.
parents always assume they know their children best, i thought his Majesty wasn't one to do this.
What could possibly explain why he is with someone other than his wives?

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