Chapter seven(a)

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For the next few days we spent our time sitting in that hall completing one assignment to another, it started from serving tea,playing Geomung(music instrument),sewing, stitching and drawing.
When we came to the last stages it was walking with bowls on your head and arms to examine your stamina but these were all easy and expected.
And today rather than a hall we sat in a smaller room facing the Queen dowager, a finely adorned woman who was sitting beside her and a man with grey beard who i understood was a physician from his blue and white uniform.

"Today will be the final day of the competition so I requested some assistance from consort Yoen hee and the imperial physician" the Queen dowager explained.
Consort Yeon hee is the king's birth mother I noted.

"We will start with a health examination"
The royal physician came round to checked our pulse and eyes.

I kept thinking about how this might affect my plan.

They shared a long sheet of paper and ink to begin.

"List the towns and chiefs of Goguryeo, mention how the late king merged and conquered this nation and it's disadvantages"
"Who heads the largest merchant group,who owns the inner court and what are your duties"
"Imitate the flag of this nation and the last question will be asked directly"
After about three hours i was called in alone for the final question.

"Shin Yoo hwa?"


"A person who has moulded a bowl for the first time for his personal use, but has other bowls in his possession"
"And a person who would use it everyday to feed his family and it will be his only bowl"
"And a person who is going to sell it and buy food, who would you give the bowl to and why?"

"I will give it to the person who will use it, after some time i will hand it over to the person who wants to sell it" I answered after a little thought, I knew these questions never have answers.

"When it's old and rusty?"

"Then i will take it to the person who made it to polish it, and he would because he cares for the bowl the most"

"And before you do all that the poor person would have starved"

"Then my final answer to this will be leaving it to the person who would use it to it's full potential, the second person"

"Very well then,next time think of all possibilities"
The inner court is where the royal family live, with their maids and servants.

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