Chapter forty(b)

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The king's POV.

I watched as my lady and the General walked down the isle together.
'What exactly is happening?'
'I am witnessing it but i still can't believe they are doing something like this'

I now understand what she meant by what she said yesterday.

'What ever it is i do tomorrow, please your Majesty should find it in your heart to forgive me'

I noticed the feather on the General's waist band.
'Why is he wearing the feather today?'
'If he isn't marrying the person who gave it to him'
I remember my conversation with the Commander.

"For how long have you known Chae min is her highness"

"I found out yesterday too"

Before then.

"Your Majesty Chae min is not a man"
To the Commander she was first Sa wol then her highness.
'Who else could be close to the General?'

"I prince Moon jae shik vow to care and protect you till my last breath"

"I Ye jin vow to honour my duties to you till i breath my last"
Looks like my lady doesn't want me to find out she is Sa wol.

Yoo hwa's POV.

During our vows i watched his Majesty clench his jaw time and again, staring at us with so much concentration.
I have been looking for time to escape and talk to him but the series of ceremonies aren't allowing me.
Under the watchful eyes of the maids and eunuchs i and the General strolled around the palace late evening.

"Oh i almost forgot Congratulations your highness"
"I must have saved the nation in my past life to marry a king and a prince in one life time"
He laughed.

"I don't know if i will ever get used to it"
"Your Highness i have to say you look..laughing..really laughing..strange but nice"

"And yet all what everyone said was 'His highness is so lucky to have  such a beautiful wife"

"You know that was just to.."

"Is General saying it's not true?" I asked turning to face him.
He started laughing again.

"You look..."
I have never seen the General in such a cheerful state.

"I will go and clean it off" i said frowning.

"No your highness looks just fine"

"Is it that funny or you are very happy about getting out of your marriage"

"It is not just that"

"I have to say we got really lucky"

"It is because Aunt supported it"

"The Queen dowager isn't as.."
'Wait what i am saying?'
'To her nephew that is'
"I mean...i have something to tell you"
"I didn't tell you because i know you would change your mind about our plan"
"The truth is his Majesty found out about me"

"What did you just say?"

I pretended to go to the General's chamber to retire for the day but i wore my uniform and went to see his Majesty.
I saw the Commander coming from the meeting room.


"Your highness"
"I am completely speechless your highness"

"Commander let's talk later, for now where is his Majesty"

"He is in the room waiting for you"


"Yes waiting for you" he said with a scary tone.

"Maybe i should leave it till tomorrow"
He shook his head firmly.

"It is better to go now"

"Maybe it is"
"Commander help me talk to Doha"

"I don't know if it will ever work but i will try"

I went in without announcing my presence and shut the door quietly.

"Your Majesty it's Yoo hwa" i said while he sat on his chair staring at me.

"Why is the General's wife sneaking into my meeting room?"

"Your Majesty"

"It is rather inappropriate please return to your husband"

"Your Majesty"
"The marriage is fake"

"Fake or not you are going to live as his wife from now on"

"His wife is to pass away not long from now so your Majesty shouldn't worry"


"The General has done so much for me, i wanted to return the favour"

"I understand"
"But are you sure nobody knows what you look like?"

"The Queen dowager has seen my face once but i don't think she will recognise me"
"Your Majesty i should head back it is getting dark"

"You are leaving?"

"I have to be there for today"

"I am heading out too"

"Right""I am heading out too"

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Yoo hwa on the wedding.

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