Chapter twenty nine(a)

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The King's POV
I sat with the commander in my meeting room later in the day.

"It's really good the General agreed" the commander mentioned.

"Yes, i am still surprised"

"The men have left by his command to retrieve them"


"Your Majesty I will let you on a little secret"
"The General likes someone and he has totally lost it these days"
"I can't tell you much but her name is Sa wol (fourth moon)"

"Is she the one from last time?"

"Now that you have mentioned it, i think that might be the night he brought her"

"Then the marriage is a tough choice for the General"

"He would be fine" the commander said hopefully.

Yoo hwa's POV
"Ambassador " I whispered shifting my body to where he sat.
"We have to find a way to escape"

"I don't think it is possible because the forest is deep, before we can reach anywhere they will haunt us down"

"But we don't know what they intend to do with us, can we stay calm?"

"Let's wait"

After two days of 'waiting' there still wasn't any communication from them besides a plate of bread and plain soup they pass to us twice a day.

"We really shouldn't take this anymore"
"We stink"

"That should be the least of your problems" the Ambassador replied.

"Since we are not tied to the ropes anymore it should be easy"

"The workers carrying our load will slow us down"

One of the men who seemed to be their leader came in.
"You can leave" he said simply.

"Leave? just like that?"the ambassador asked.

"Of course my men will make sure you get back safely"

Safely my foot, more like 'make sure we leave'.

We were on our way back with our hands tied together.

"Now will be the time to make a move but we are going with my plan"the Ambassador whispered.


The Ambassador fell down abruptly clenching his chest in pain.

"Ambassador!Ambassador!" I exclaimed with a high pitched voice, kneeling to his side.
The men came around to the source of alarm to find an unconscious man on the floor.

"What's wrong with him?"

"He has been sick for so long and at this rate he might loose his life"

"Oii go and bring water from the river we just passed" he said ordering one of the men.

"That will take too long I am afraid something might happen to him"
"With the support of your men allow me to carry him there"

"Are you sure you are not going to try something funny"

"Funny? When someone's life is on the line?"

"Alright but we will wait for you right here"


Oh please don't.

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