Chapter thirty eight(b)

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Yoo hwa's POV.

I was standing outside with the General when a guard walked up to us.

"You are to confirm her safety with me so follow me"he said moving ahead.

"General you should stay here, i will go"

"What are you saying?"

"You are the only person who can go in there unharmed"

"I can't let you follow a stranger"

"It is just checking, i will be fine" i said turning to leave.

"Your highness" he said grabbing my arm.

"His Majesty is in there, please stay"

"If you take too long i will come for you"

The General's POV.

It has been two hours and i am yet to find her highness, i looked everywhere possible, and after some time i saw them walking on an empty road, i noticed her highness was walking slower than usual.
'What went wrong?' I thought as i rushed almost running to meet them.

"Your highness are you okay?" I asked the king's mother.

"Yes i am fine"

"Chae min, what is wrong? are you hurt somewhere"
"Where is it"
She half smiled.

"What do you mean?"
"I am perfectly fine"

I went ahead to remove her hat to examine her closely.

"Your breathing is unstable"

"Oh that, it was just a sloppy punch to my chest but it really wasn't anything"
"General you should have seen how i took them on, it would have made you proud"

"Did they try to harm you?"

"When we arrived her highness has already escaped, so to cover it up they..."

"I ended up causing too much trouble for him" the king's mother said.

"Let's look for somewhere you can rest"

"It's too risky"
"You should report to his Majesty, i will escort her back"

"You should follow my wishes this time, i can't let you go back alone so i will report to his Majesty after you are somewhere safe"

The king's POV.

"Welcome younger brother" Ahn hyun ki said when the General entered.
"Come sit"

"Her highness is alive"

"Is she okay?"


"Let's begin"
"Firstly give me the rights to the iron ore mine"
"Secondly accept my daughter's hand in marriage"

"Your niece wasn't enough?"


"Why aren't you asking for my throne?"

"It is not the time yet, at least not when the court still belongs to your Majesty"

"I will now tell you what we are going to do"
"I will give you the rights to manage the mine, grant your daughter's marriage to my brother, but as you wish they will live in the palace"

"Your Majesty you..."

"Don't try to test me"
"Take it while i am still offering"

"Huhh" he said waving his hand and the guards came in unsheathing their swords.

"How dare you unsheathe your swords in front of his Majesty"the General said with gritted teeth.
"And what are doing when she isn't with you?"

"Who is she with?" I asked.


"I will ask for one more thing, you can leave here unharmed if you give it to me"

"The warrior you sent, hand him over to me"

"He would never be loyal to you"

'Who could it be?'

"There is always a way"

"With your absurd requests let's not waste each other's time, just kill us"
'It's Yoo hwa' i concluded.

"Ahn hyun ki you have gone too far this time"
"Let the General go"

"Tell your men to leave" the General said.

He reluctantly waved his hand telling them to leave.

"We will meet again younger brother"

"There won't be a next time"

It's been really long since i have seen this side of the General.

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