Chapter forty one(a)

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The king's POV.

I went straight to the field and called for the General.

"I am sorry for calling you out like this"
"It is just that i miss the old days here, don't you?"

"I do"

"Here" i said giving him the other sword.

"Ahh and once again Congratulations on your wedding"
He held the sword loosely, his hand shaking.

"Is General's hand shaking?"
It feels really nice seeing him this nervous.

"No it must be the dark"

"I hope you don't mind having a dual"

"No i don't"

The General didn't put in his all in the sword fight, he just blocked my blows and hesitated.
At the end he stood his sword in the sand pausing.

"I am still no match for your Majesty"

"No General is good, most especially as a teacher"

"Your Majesty" he voiced kneeling.
"If it will appease your Majesty's anger i will lay down my life"
"Please do as you wish"

I couldn't help but laugh at his serious expression.

"General i am joking"
He looked up searching for the truth.
"Really, i wasn't being serious"
"Get up"
He got up dusting his trousers.
In the dark i could almost swear i saw him narrowing his eyes at me.

"Is General glaring at me?"

"Glare? How dare i?"

"What i originally came to say was thank you"
"Thank you for assisting and protecting her when i couldn't"

Yoo hwa's POV.

I woke up from my light sleep to find the General sitting on a stool beside me, i shut my eyes pretending to sleep and from the corners of my lashes, i could see how he stared down at me with something in his eyes that i have never seen before.
He raised his hand to my hair but retreated back, he lifted his palm again, this time closer to my hair but he changed his mind again.
I sprang up to a sitting position.
The startled General stumbled back almost falling from the stool.
Seeing him with my eyes open he looks different today, maybe because he really just turned into a prince or because of the light.
It brings back the memory of the first day i saw him.

"Did i scare you?"

"A bit"

"Was General about to wake me up?"

"Yes wake you up, i was about to"

"It is good you came back in one piece"

"It is"

"Can i ask a question?"

"You can"

"If this opportunity was.."i stopped mid way.
'What if he gets hurt by the question'
'His expression has turned sour already'
"I will ask some other time"i said.

"His Majesty is waiting for you outside"

"I should go"

"You should" he replied as i stepped out.

"What is your Majesty doing interrupting someone's wedding day" i said with a pout.
My smile vanished with the look he gave me.

"I mean..i have always wanted to have a normal wedding"

"Have you?"he asked his face softening.


"I have a good idea"he said a glint of mischief playing in his eyes.
"Let's go"

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