Chapter forty six

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The king's POV.

I made my way to the outer palace to meet the envoy that arrived during the night.
'But wait it would be best to meet her somewhere else'

"Commander i will return to my chamber"

"But i thought you were in a hurry to meet her highness?"

"Let her know to come there directly"

"Dressed as she is?"


I was Anxiously pacing the room when the doors opened for her entry.

"Yoo hwa!" I exclaimed.

"Your Majesty" she said her eyes beaming with excitement.
My feet made quick steps to envelop her into a warm tight hug that it forgot about the single slab just before the door.
And my toe made convenient contact with it.

"Your Majesty" she said holding unto my shoulders.
"Are you alright?"
'This ill fated slab i will have it leveled in the morning'

"Yes" i replied sitting on it.

"Does it hurt?let me see" she said sitting beside me.

"No it doesn't hurt at all" i lied.

"Are you sure?"


"Why were in such a hurry anyway?"
'Is she seriously asking?'

"If you never took so long all this wouldn't have happened"

She turned fully to hold my gaze, a glint of mischief playing in her eyes.
'Looks like she wanted me to admit i miss her'

"Did i?" She asked in a low whisper resting her head on my shoulder.
The gesture had me asking myself if i should forgive this slab.
"I have been asking myself the same"
"Did your Majesty miss my presence?" She asked snaking her arms around me.

i managed to croak out.
'She has now managed to pay all the debts of the slab'
I went on to squeeze her, i was even afraid it might crush her little bones.

"Ahh i can't breath"

"Remain quiet and accept your punishment"

She made other exaggerated noises for me to release her so i loosened my grip.
I raised my hand to remove her veil shifting back.

"Why do you look so thin?"
"They weren't feeding you well right?"

"No, it was just hard to eat through the journey"

"Don't worry since your back home i will stuff you up with the most delicious meals my queen"

"Home" she whispered to herself.
"I will wait for it" she replied with a smile.
"For now i have to go to my chamber because everyone knows i am here"

"For some reason i don't like it that everyone thinks i don't favour you"
"That i sent you to Rouran as a punishment"

"It is okay, i still like it better this way"
"I have a lot to tell your Majesty"

"I will visit your chamber tomorrow"

"No you don't have to"

"I want to"
My toe was now hurting really bad that i think its..

"What's wrong?" She urged.

"I think it is broken"

Prince Chin mae's POV.

"Your highness we have a problem"
My personal guard walked up to me saying.
"Lady bori is in the interrogation hall"

"Bori? how?"

"She is reported to be one of those rebels"

"How is that possible" i said rushing there.

When i reached there she was already tied to a chair but it is a relieve they haven't started torturing her.
Her eyebrows furrowed as she stared at me and my attire.

"Greetings your highness"
"What bring you here?"
Her eyes became unsteady with realisation.

"Minister of justice what is going on here?"

"She is part of a rebel group, she and her master have received a warning before but they still haven't stopped confusing the people"

"How are you sure she is part of them?"

"She was caught this morning but she refuses to admit it so i must get it out of her"
"I will repeat myself did you post those treasonous words of 'equality' and what not?"

"I don't know what you are talking about"

" dare you glare at me with those treasonous eyes"
"Why are you standing there..start"

"Don't you dare lay a finger on her"

"Does your highness know this lowly thing?"
'Thing? He is really starting to get on my nerves'

"I want you to pause this interrogation until i return"
"No it is a royal command"

I went straight to the king's court.
"Greeting's your Majesty"

"You seem a bit disoriented, what is wrong?"

"Can you ask everyone to leave?"
He made a light gesture with his hands, everyone went out with the exception of the commander.

"There is someone in the interrogation hall who is being questioned for being part of a rebellion against the throne"
"When i spent most of my time outside the palace, i was with her"
"So i know well what kind of person she is and i know there has to be a misunderstanding somewhere"

"Are you sure?"

"Even if she is guilty of something, i still don't want to leave her in their hands"

"Call for the head of bureau"
"I know what to do, don't worry"

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