Chapter thirty(b)

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Yoo hwa's POV.
"Should I change back to my clothes?"I suggested to the Ambassador outside Shilla's court.

"You should at least enter since you have come this far"

"Can I?"


"His Majesty grants your request for an audience, please enter"

'Their court was beautiful but not as grand as Goguryeo's court' I thought silently as I looked around.

"Greetings your Majesty" we bowed deeply.

"I am Goguryeo's Ambassador Bong sang pil and this is my wife"

"How come I didn't hear about Ambassador's wedding?"

"I didn't want to burden your Majesty"

"What brings you here today"

"His Majesty asks Shilla to pay tributes to Goguryeo in exchange for his military support"
"He wishes to create a stronger alliance"
"We ask from your Majesty's grace to accept the scroll" he entreated, handing the list of items he just wrote to the Eunuch (male servant), who passes it to the king.

"I accept" he agreed without even reading it well.
The Ambassador and I exchanged looks.
"I will send this month's tributes soon"

"Your Majesty is wise"
"I have to apologise for coming like this, his Majesty's gifts to you disappeared during our rough journey"

"I understand"
"You should stay back for a few days and rest"

"Forgive me, but we have left people worried so we would return early tomorrow" I promptly informed, word by word.

"Yes, your Majesty" the Ambassador consented.

"You have a beautiful wife Ambassador"

"I got lucky" he replied.

"Then I pray for your safe return"
We bowed and left.

Outside the court the Ambassador turned to face me.

"I have concluded you really are a woman, aren't you?"
I know he must have caught on by now.

"What makes you think so?" I asked calmly.

"Your voice in the court wasn't forced"

"You are right, I am a woman"
He blinked slowly with fixated eyes, he doesn't look surprised,  rather a glint of curiosity flickered in his eyes.
"But I can not answer anything else Ambassador"
I passed him a rather fast curt nod walking away.

The road back to Goguryeo was really quiet.
I and the Ambassador didn't say much, I could see how the questions were killing him but I ignored him.
We took half of the time we used before to make it to the capital, after changing to my uniform I came out of the inn to meet the Ambassador who was standing by his horse.

"I need to go somewhere, please return to the palace alone"


"Ambassador since we have been through a lot together I will let you know my name, it's Sa wol"

"Goodbye then Sa wol" he said racing off with great speed.

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