Chapter twenty four(a)

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The king's POV
I went to search for a herb to stop the Commander's bleeding because the guard who fought bravely stumbled dramatically and fell to unconsciousness, I have to admit the scene reminds me of someone.
After the second ambush in the forest I sent my message bird to the palace and on my way back I heard a woman sobbing and calling for me.
So I searched for the owner of the voice.

"Was it you?" I asked when I met the royal guard who kneeling before a man with my similar red.

"Your Majesty I thought...."

"You assumed it was me?"
It is actually ok to assume because it is dark.

"I thought something happened to your Majesty because of my negligence"
"Please kill me for failing your Majesty" he said wiping the tears.

"I have never seen a man cry like that before, and your voice..I almost mistook you for a lady"

"It is a birth defect"
The dark line on his cheek was mostly gone with the tears, but why would he have a fake scar?

"What is your name again?"

"Chae min, your Majesty"

There is something about his face that looks both very young and aged.
Deciding not to keep on analyzing the strange guard because we had urgent things at hand, I told him to follow me back to the ruined house.

Yoo hwa's POV.
On our way out of the forest, we met the General and his soldiers who were searching for us.

"Your Majesty" the General said bowing deeply.
"Did any harm come to your Majesty?"

"No, I am fine"

"It is a relieve"

He then walked to my side.
"Soldier, are you hurt anywhere?" he began in a monotone.

"Here" I stretched my hand to reveal my tied wound.
"And a few scratches"

"Did you trip and fall?"


"I shouldn't have let you come"
"What happened to the long sleeve that was suppose to protect you"

Only realising it then we turned to see all eyes on us, even the soldiers supporting the Commander stopped midway.

"Is she your child?"the commander asked.

"She?" his Majesty who was by his horse inquired.

" know since 'he' acts like a 'she' " he corrected.

"General we have trouble" I whispered.

"It seems so" he whispered back.

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