Chapter forty six(b)

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I waited for the head of bureau at the interrogation hall, when he arrived he walked straight to meet the minister of justice.

"She is an undercover officer i sent to gather information from the rebel group"
I heard him say when i moved close.

"Is what he said true?"
She looked from me to the head of bureau.
'Please say yes'

"Yes it is" she said answering my plea.

"I will take her with me"
We secretly went to a small interrogation room.
"Sit" he told her.
"I managed to get you out of there so you have to answer my questions truthfully"
"Is the head of that rebel group your master?"

I wasn't as surprised as i thought i would be, maybe because i knew she thinks differently from other people.

"Who are your members"
"Scholars and citizens here and there"

"Do you intend to quit after this?"


"His Majesty said to give you a week of imprisonment if it is true"
"But if you don't change your ways after a week you would have to add another"

"You are suppose to be imprisoned in the commoners prison, but because of his highness's grace you will stay in the prison for nobles and royals"
"I will now take my leave your highness"

"You must have been surprised" i said staring down at her.

"Not really..the information you gave me never made sense"


"When i first met your highness i needed to gather information on you and your friend because you were the newest faces in the capital"

"You know being a pick pocketer is even much better"


"My name is Chin mae and you?"

"My name is still Bori"

"While we are on it, next week can you.."

"I heard you got married,Congratulations your highness" she cut me off saying.


"We met that same day too or am i mistaken?"

Yoo hwa's POV.

"This wont be enough, you need an extra dress"

"No Agasshi, they are more than enough"

"I will talk to the seamstress"

"There is no time and we have a lot to work on, the food,decorations..oh it is so stressful"

"We are planning something simple so don't worry"

"Agasshi i thought about something when you were away"
"Your..." She moved close whispering the rest to my ear.

"Why are you sticking your nose in people's personal business" i preached with a nervous shriek,pushing her away.

"Oh you sure sound and look like a cornered mouse"

"During our journey"

"No Agasshi,you are lying"

"You dare to use such a word on me? You this lowly subject"

"You won't get out of this one easily" she said crossing her arms.

"I am hungry"

"You are afraid aren't you?"

"What could i possibly be afraid of?"

"Because you wouldn't know how to handle it and a lot more than just that" she said and my smile disappeared.

The king's POV.

'Her highness' didn't visit my chamber today, she said she has a wedding to plan.
So i sat at my empty room thinking 'should i order the Commander to postpone the wedding' or 'should i sleep' but i knew it was better to choose the latter because the Commander might actually consider treason over the postponement of his wedding.

"Your Majesty it is Chin mae"

"You may enter"

"I came to share a drink with you"

"How is she?"

"She is doing well"
"Thank you your Majesty"

"There is no need to"

"I know but i still feel the need to thank you"

"But younger brother has to be careful because of your wife"

"I am afraid of what she could do to her too if she finds out"

"Be extra cautious then"
"Sometimes we protect the people we cherish the most by not letting the world know about them"

"I can only imagine how your Majesty is suffering"

"I even ask myself if managing state affairs is easier"

"It is that bad" he nods in understanding.
"Ahh while we are on the topic, your Majesty can tell me who you...."
"Don't worry i will take it to my grave"

"Hahahaha what do you mean? i like all of them"

"Don't be like that hyung(elder brother) tell me" he said moving his stool closer.

"It's Yoo hwa"

"The one with child?"


"Don't tell me my wife's sister(cousin)"

He looked confused after that, he probably never heard of her when he has even spent a lot of time with her.

"You haven't heard of her?"
"She wears a veil and it is said she is always in her chamber alone but i spend  a lot of time with her"


"It is possible because that is what she wants,not everyone wants to be hidden"
"I will tell you about it someday"

"It is really a mystery but i will take a lesson from it"

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