Chapter fifty

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His Majesty took me to see a wide beautiful garden of flowers before going to the valley.
"The country is surrounded by hills, that is the advantage they have and the valley here is the only way in and out of this nation"
"So for the past week we have been protecting it from them finding their way in"
"The first wooden barricade is for soldiers taking a shield military stance and the second sack barricade is for the archers"

"It is quiet wide i don't know how you are managing"

"They are usually quiet around this time but they get sneaky during the night"

"What are their numbers"

"About three thousand"

"That large for a small nation like Shilla?"

"It is because we got involved"

"When will your Majesty retreat to the borders?"


"What do they want?"

"In summary for Shilla to be their subject nation"
"My lady should return with the soldiers going back for a shift"
"They didn't attack with their full might yesterday we are guessing they are planning something today"

"I will do so"

"What are you doing?"the soldier asked while i tried my possible best to sneak away.

"Didn't you hear me say the valley is under attack, that all riders should follow me back?"

"The thing is..."
Since i don't have a choice.

We rode back fast.
"Slow down"
I could hear the footsteps and movement behind the trees too.
"I think they found the loop path"
"You there"he pointed at me.
"Notify them in case the soldiers here couldn't"
Without replying i rode off.
I met his Majesty and soldiers carrying the wooden barricade on my way.

"You came back?"

"I had to"

"Did you check their numbers?"

"No, but they sound much"

"We have to hurry"
He said riding to join the ones ahead.

The King's POV.
I told my lady to remain at a safe distance while we struggled to close the loop path, they were streaming in on a single line.
We made a circle to cover for the soldiers carrying the barricade but it was getting harder as time went by.
I turned to find my lady shooting them down with arrows, as they moved closer to getting away she dropped the arrows and carried a sword.
'I should get her out of here'
The next turn i made she was nowhere to be found, i panicked paving a path to where she was.
I searched for her but there still wasn't a trace of her, then i heard Someone's laboured breath saying.
"Your Majesty"
I traced the voice to find her wiggling her feet, an enemy soldier's heavy weight was all on her facing down, and axe was stroked down close to her face.
I hurriedly pushed him down from on top of her.
'It is a relief she removed her hat, if not she could have broken her neck'
"Are you okay?"i asked helping her up.

"How can someone be that heavy, i actually thought i might really stop breathing" she said her hand to her chest dramatically.

"Come with me"
Since we have placed the barricade, they can manage it on their own.
We walked down to the direction of the camp but i knew things were too unsettled for me to go all the way there.
"Can my lady wait for me here?"
"It is still far off, i don't want you to walk there, i will bring a horse here after i settle a few things"

"I will wait for you here"

"I am worried she might still be waiting for me there" i said to the General immediately the attack on the valley was over.

"It has been hours, is it possible?"

"I should go"

"Let me come with you"
When i and the General went back she wasn't present at the spot but after searching in and between the rocks close by we found her seated with folded legs leaning against the hard surface of the rock.
I hurried to check on her.
"My lady"
She opened her eyes weakly.

"You are here?"

"How could you...?"

"I..I.." she stammered shutting her eyes completely.

"Yoo hwa!"
"My lady!"
I croaked out shaking her unconscious body.
Her hands and face were cold.
I carried her while the General followed silently behind me.
When we reached the camp the General came in front of me.

"Your Majesty forgive me but i suggest you let me carry her"
'What?maybe i didn't hear him correctly'

"Are you asking me to give her to you?" I asked holding firm to his gaze.

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