♛Chapter 1♛

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A.N- Saiki is 180 cm (around 5'11) instead of his usual 161 cm hight.

To Saiki, there is nothing better in this world than a house-made cup of coffee jello

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To Saiki, there is nothing better in this world than a house-made cup of coffee jello. It was a matter of fact. He didn't care about anyone else other than himself and his jello. He would here and there have to save an idiot or a fool, (maybe even both on not-so delightful occasions) but that was just an unasked-for bonus from helping himself.

Saiki would usually walk to school with said fools and idiots, and today too much of a no surprise to him as that day was just like the last, walking to school with three total fools following him, and they had names too. They were named: Nendou, Kaidou, and Kuboyasu. They talked with each other as Saiki tagged in the back, not very bothered by the fact that his associates or 'friends' as they say. Wouldn't talk to him.

Though as he tagged in the back he picked up thoughts from classmates all meeting in the same location as they do almost every weekday. 'I'll bunny hop!' he heard one think as Saiki saw past the walls blocking a normal person's view, though what he saw was different: a spikey red-haired teen was truly bunny-hopping backed to his school with a log once again on his back, and sweat pouring down his face, and others from different schools, or adults going to work whispered about him.

Saiki turned away from the familiar teen as he continued walking, 'I hope I see Teruhashi...hehehe...I wish we did that cross-dressing maid cafe during the festival. I would have looked so good in shaved legs and a stuffed bra-' Saiki didn't want to hear anymore as he already knew what one of the most hated classmates was about to finish thinking, from terrible looks with broccoli hair and a worm-shaped mouth to a perverted obsession of women, tagging right behind Toritsuka, it was Takahashi.

Saiki walked on into school and into his class with Nendou, Kaidou, and Kuboyasu with the few extra characters to fill the classroom up with non-main-character people. Saiki, in school, was known as the 'You-never-know-what-he's-thinking' kid, and he liked it that way. Meaning no one in the school will come to talk with him just for being himself.

To his unfortunate luck, Saiki was in class five minutes too early as people continued to talk and file into class. Saiki took out a book and began to read through the dusty old pages that seem to not been read in at least ten-years, just his type of book.

"Runt! Look at this!" Nendo's voice came calling through the class to find 'Runt' also known as Kaidou. "What is it?" He turned around tiredly as he tried to hold a decent conversation with Kubouyasu, though they both were already on a first-name basis a little before they got stuck on an abandoned island a little off the coast of South America, by Saiki, and his unknown sickness that was weirdly only caused by when he was on water.

"Oh yeah, I saw that," Kaidou snatched a paper out of Nendou's hand. "Saiki could get in, with who he knows if he wanted to," Saiki rolled his eyes, he didn't really care about what Kaidou thinks he could and couldn't do, and for the sole purpose of not giving a damn, Saiki put on his ring, and began to enjoy the dusty ink-faded book, until class started.

For Saiki next up was a gym class with Matsuzaki, who began telling the instructions for the next game. "Okay!" he started off, "We will be playing football!" a few classmates groaned, Kaidou began to chuckle, "This will be everyone's ultimate defeat, I, Jet-Black-Wings, will save the Earth once again..." he laughed, to Saiki who by the scale (in the manga) is second behind himself, though now if he put some effort into thinking about it, he might have been demoted thanks to Kuboysau, but he doesn't care.

Saiki before heading out into the field where he is currently at, took off his ring in the locker-room, just if something goes wrong, he'll have to fix it, just as likely to unlikely, if that senecio where to happen.

"Saiki. I wish you luck," the boy with eighth-grade syndrome said Cooley as they were separated into different teams. Nendou and Kaidou were on one side of the field, with Saiki on the other side: teaming up with Hairo and Kuboyasu who began pumping up their half of the class for the game.

As the game was about to begin, Hairo went up the field to striker, and Saiki was in defense. A perfect almost invisible spot since the other team was bound to never come up to the defense. Hairo kicked off the ball in-between Nendou's leg and began yelling, in enthusiasm, as the other striker's from his team followed behind Hairo the mid-fielders in mid-line for the teams.

Saiki heard an "AH!" (from Hairo) as Matsuzaki's whistle blew signaling a point. "Nice job..." Nendou said from across the field, "But I can do better!" Nendou kicked the ball like it was a hero-power-move, and as the ball slowed down, it slowly rolled towards Saiki, and stopped at the tips of his feet.

All eyes were on Saiki, and he hated it. Saiki planned on doing an action that wouldn't cause too much attention, and tried to kick it to his mid-fielder teammate in front of him, he tried but Saiki miscalculated the power he used as the ball shot across the field into the goal, with another whistle. Saiki saw his popularity sky-rocket from fifty-five to eighty-nine, and even he knew he couldn't drop out mid-game as the students will be watching him.

The class cheered as the other team looked at the ruined grass in shock, "Wow! Saiki-Kun!" Hairo ran up to him and patted the boy on his back with a hard thud. "I didn't know you could kick to well! Let's give it up for Saiki!" Hairo cheered as their team began chanting Saiki's name with fists in the air.

The track and gym teacher blew his whistle to begin the game once again. Saiki's team winning, three points (two by Hairo and one by Saiki) to one (by Nendou).

As they changed out of clothes the team began to congratulate Saiki, Nendou eventually shoving away people to talk to his best friend. "Wow buddy!" he complimented as Saiki put on his white shirt and his green sweater as he went out to leave the locker-room. "I never knew you could do something like that!" he followed Saiki out the room and to his class.

Saiki only nodded, as to his thankfulness as his eight-five began to chip down to eighty for no reason what-so-ever (Probably his affiliation with Nendou), Saiki nodded and walked into his class was a few of his male classmates chipped off from Teruhashi and began talking to him. "Dude that was so cool!" one boy with black-hair cheered as Saiki sat in his chair. "That was respectively very cool," a lower voice said brought to him by: Zolbe Kageyukpuji Saberlight who complimented him, even though they were on opposing teams.

Saiki only nodded as the teacher began to teach till the end of the day, where Kaidou was the first to run up to him with a blue paper in his hand, "Saiki, look at this!"

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