Chapter 1

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*:・゚✧  Milk Tea with Tapioca pearls *:・゚✧ 

(Some ED triggers are mentioned)

An alarm began blaring through Jisung's room playing 'Not Mine' by Day6. Groaning in annoyance Jisung rolled over and turned off the alarm.

Today he had a shift at 'bubbles' the bubble tea shop his parents owned, which he also happened to live above. Lying on his bed Jisung could hear his parents moving around, the smell of pancakes could faintly be smelt. Realising what the food was Jisung pulled himself out of bed and turned on his playlist and started to get ready.

After making his bed he grabbed his speaker and took it into the bathroom,whilst he took a shower he started to practice some rapping and singing along to the music on shuffle to wake himself up.

"Foods ready Jisung!" His mother shouted after knocking on his rooms door.

"I'll just be a sec!" Jisung responded as he was drying himself with the towel.

Begrudgingly he pulled on some black skinny jeans and a dark purple shirt which has the 'bubbles' logo sewn on as well as his name underneath.

Jisung glanced at the mirror and quickly tried to fix his hair.
"Please just stay in place" he mumbled as he moved a loose strand out the way.

"Jisung!" His mother shouted again.

At the sound of his annoyed mother, the young boy rushed out to grab some food. There were pancakes stacked in a pile in the middle of the table and around it in smaller bowls were a variety of fresh fruits.

"Finally, I thought you had fallen back asleep" Mr Han chuckled as he was finishing a pancake.

Jisung awkwardly laughed, "I'd happily do that"

Jisung quickly plated up two thick pancakes and drizzled them in a variety of lemon juice, fruits and some cream. Not the healthiest breakfast but it was delicious so Jisung wasn't complaining.

"Felix is working today right?" Mrs Han questioned as she sipped on her steaming coffee.

Jisung made out a 'yes' as his cheeks were stuffed with pancakes and fruits.

"Ahh that's good, your father and I have to go to the bank today so you will have to run things on your own today. If there are any problems you can call us"

Jisung nodded in acknowledgement and stacked up more pancakes.
"Best not eat too many pancakes Ji, don't want you to get too fat" Jisung's father joked.

Jisung hesitated and slowly put one of the pancakes back. Jisung was fairly skinny, but his father constantly reminding him that he shouldn't eat too much. This made Jisung remember that he was auditioning for entertainment agencies in November and so if he gained weight he didn't want to get rejected because his weight.

Checking the clock on the wall Jisung noticed he had five minutes until he needed to go downstairs and start setting the shop up for their opening time at half ten.

Jisung excused himself from the table and went to brush his teeth, he also grabbed the hat he would occasionally wear, especially on hot days like today.
It was coming to the end of the summer and so the sun was still super hot.

Grabbing his shoes and spraying his cologne on himself Jisung quickly said goodbye to his parents and hopped downstairs.

Bubbles was fairly small, there was a fairly big area where they make and serve drinks with a breakfast table set up on one side of the serving bar.
All the walls were glass apart from the wall which held the stairs and the storage room and bathroom for customers.

The colour theme was purple, black and white. The serving table was purple. The tables and seats were black whilst the walls were white.

The first thing Jisung did was unlock the door to let Felix in who had just arrived.

"Hey mate," he spoke as he smiled and gave a little wave stepping in.

"Hey Fe"  Jisung smiled and then locked the door again so customers didn't walk in despite the sign saying they were still currently closed.

Felix rushed out to the backroom to drop off his bag and coat before reappearing whilst tying up his apron. During this time Jisung had turned on Felix's and his playlist which they would also play whilst working together they luckily had the same music taste and so it was nice listening to songs they both enjoyed.

"I do hope it's not that busy today" Felix started up a conversation as he began to cook up some pearls.

"Same, if we do I hope a lot of them just get takeaway, I don't think I could cope with having to do loads of washing today"  Jisung chuckled as he was turning the cash machine on and setting it up.

"We can only hope" Felix smiled as he began wiping the tables down.

To say they were busy was an understatement, as soon as Jisung opened the doors at ten-thirty it felt like it was non-stop. Bubbles was a fairly popular bubble tea shop but Jisung and Felix had never seen it so busy before. 

"Felix can you clear those tables over there please," Jisung asked as Felix finished making some takeaway drinks.

"Sure thing Ji" Felix got quickly to work as Jisung carried on taking orders and starting them.

It was around quarter past two when the boys finally had a breather. The shop had become slightly messy whilst rush hour was happening and so now the pair were cleaning down the tables, and cleaning the workspace whilst chatting.

"College starts in a few weeks, do you have enough money to go yet?" Felix asked as he made himself a drink.

"Actually I do! When my mum gave me my payslip yesterday from last week I counted it up and I have enough with some change as well" Jisung beamed as he drank his own bubble tea.

"Are you moving to the dorms then?" Felix asked.

Jisung sighed and played with the metal straw in his  drink, "sadly not, hopefully, I can move in at some point though, it would be nice because we get them over summer as well so it wouldn't be a waste of money if I was only there for a couple of months"

"That sucks, just know you're free to visit mine at any time, I have a roommate called Junkyu who never seems to be there so I always have the place to myself, well most of the time" Felix smiled.

The bell rang signalling a new customer and the boys got back to work.


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