Chapter 6.5

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*:・゚✧ Vanilla chai bubble tea + extra tapioca *:・゚✧

"Now we have everyone here let's get started" Jisung presumed they were the CEO. There were only 15 people in the room. It was a small group so Jisung guessed his first audition tape must've been good if he got into the 15.

Minho had walked over to the table at the front of the studio and was sat next to the man who spoke first.
Did Minho work here? It would make sense if he knew where the audition rooms were.

"When I call your name you can come up to the front and introduce yourself, let us know your name, age, and what you'll be auditioning for position wise" the CEO smiled warmly at the group. "We already have you ranked from your auditions and so we will go down the list and start with the person ranked 15th"

Jisung mentally prepared himself to be the first person to be called up but instead it was a girl called Kwon Eunbi. She made her way to the front and passed over the paper that all the auditioners had. That's when it hit Jisung he'd left the piece of paper back on the table where Minho found him.

The thought of messing up again made Jisung's breath quicken again. His leg began bouncing over nervousness. Maybe he could try and get Minho's attention.

Eunbi was currently explaining how she's auditioning as a dancer. Jisung looked at Minho who was listening intently and nodding and smiling. He was probably working he couldn't distract him. Silent Jisung prayed he'd have an chance to go to the toilet so he could run back and grab his papers.

Eunbi soon finished after dancing flawlessly. The time was flying by and there had already been 7 people go. How were they even below Jisung?! He was sure his audition would be around 10th not above it.

"We will be taking a five minute break for those who would like to go to the restroom and so the remaining people can warm their voices up" The lady from beside the ceo spoke up.
Jisung felt himself relax knowing he could go and grab the sheet of paper he had left behind. The boy stood up stretching away the cramps that had built up from sitting so long. Whilst doing so he spotted Minho coming over to him.

"You feeling okay now?" Minho asked putting a hand on jisungs shoulder, his thumb stroking his shoulder blade lightly. It immediately relaxed Jisung.

"Y-yeah except I think I left my papers in the waiting room" Jisung looked down and fiddled with his hands.

"I can go and grab it for you, then you can warm up your voice okay?" Minho calmly suggested. "You worry about warming up and I'll go get it yeah?" Minho shook Jisung's shoulders making him smile.

"If you get nervous you can look at me okay, pretend you're practicing at Bubbles" Minho smiled and patted his shoulder.

"Thank you Hyung" Jisung smiled gratefully as he took a seat and Minho shoot out the room. The interaction didn't go amiss by anyone. Especially the staff at the front.

Jisung started to warm up his voice,thankfully singing in the shower this morning had helped immensely.

"Right everyone the break is over please return to your seats" The lady from before smiled towards the group.

Only one other person had auditioned by the time Minho had come back, he was holding his papers and two bottles of water. Heads turned as Minho slipped in and walked over to Jisung passing his papers and a bottle of water.
"Th-thank you Hyung" Jisung gave a small bow.

Minho smiled and then sat back down as the audition carried on. Jisung opened the bottle and gulped down some water so that his throat wasn't going to be dry when he sang.

Bubbles ✔️ [Minsung]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant