Chapter 9

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*:・゚✧  Electric Yuzu *:・゚✧ 

Tuesday came before Jisung could even prepare himself. That morning he had printed out the forms he needed, it was all very simple information that didn't take Jisung too long to do, so he was glad he wasn't leaving a 10 page form to do in only 5 minutes before he needed to at least leave the house.

Jisung's morning had been fairly chill. Waking up at 10am had felt like a privilege and he could only guess he spent about 30 minutes in the shower singing and dancing before actually remembering he needed to wash himself.

After hopping out the shower the boy shoved on some cargo pants as well as a shirt and jumper. He'd probably remove the first layer within the first half of class but it was winter and so just wearing a t-shirt wasn't an option at the moment.

Slinging his bag over his shoulder he quickly ran to the kitchen to shove a granola bar into his bag and then an apple to eat on the way to TWave.

It was around 12pm at this point, Bubbles wasn't too busy but there was still a queue of people waiting to order.
Slipping behind the counter Jisung made himself a quick drink.

"Of course another bubble tea" Jisung heard his mum tut.

As Jisung went to seal it up he turned to his mother.
"You can't blame me for being a bubble tea addict when I literally live above one" Jisung smiled as grabbed his metal straw out his bag.

"That's true, good luck today by the way" his mum gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before letting her son go.

Jisung got to TWave fairly quickly now aware of the route and he wasn't as nervous as he was for the auditions so it was calming.
Reaching the reception he noticed it was the same women as before who helped him check in for his auditions.

"Uh-hi I'm here for the Dance audition session thing" Jisung spoke.

"Ahh yes, Han Jisung right?" The women checked her screen.

Jisung gave a nod. The lady stood up, "you need to get your ID sorted too, we just need to take your picture and your forms which you filled in, this ID will allow you to enter specific rooms and it will clock you in and out"

The boy gulped slightly frustrated at himself because he hadn't even put on makeup let alone properly style his hair. His outfit he'd rather not mention.

They entered a small room with a simple chair and camera connected to a computer and printer.

The boy took a seat in the chair and waited for the lady to instruct him to smile.

"Okay, one, two, three" The lady said suddenly making Jisung jump.

As soon as he heard the click and saw the flash he knew he looked horrid. They could've given him a bit more of a warning?!

The photo was printed out onto a card whith had the TWave Entertainment logo on it, Jisung's name and photo as well as what he was here for. This came with a green lanyard.

"Here you go, you'll be using this until you either pass or fail, then it will be either deactivated or we will issue you another official one"  the receptionist smiled.

"Thank you" Jisung gave a bow and took the lanyard around his neck.

Following the lady down the hall she motioned into a room, "this will be where your main sessions are, if you want to book out extra time you can either do it at reception or a form online"

Jisung gave another bow and thank you before sliding through the door.

There were 8 people in the room. A few he recognised from auditions, otherwise he was completely clueless about them.

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