chapter 12

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*:・゚✧ blackcurrant with pomegranate boba *:・゚✧

Jisung sat nervously waiting at the TWave training rooms, he finally had his last audition before he found out if he got into TWave. Jay and Niki had helped him a lot, considering they were already trainees they helped him learn details of the dance.

He would say Minho Hyung helped him but they would mainly get distracted talking about college and bubbles and a lot of the time Minho's cats. Jisung was dying to meet the fur balls. Not before Jisung promptly decided to try and ignore Minho's existence because his feelings were growing too quickly.

Minho was sat at the front next to the director and company staff. It was the first time in two weeks since he had actually seen the older boy. At college he had avoided the dance studios at all cost, which wasn't that hard considering the music department was at the other end of the college.

"Let's get started, we have 6 people taking part in this audition. Some paired together and some paired with our trainees. We'll get straight to it starting with Mira, Juyeon, and Eunbi" the staff spoke up motioning to the group of four. Clearly one was a trainee. Jisung slightly recognised her from the lessons Minho had taught.

The group gave a quick introduction before announcing they were covering lovesick girl by black pink.

Jisung pretty much zoned out the entire time the group performed and the group after went up. He was nervous. He was bouncing his leg up and down to try to calm his nerves, as well as drinking water because he kept swallowing and his throat was now unbearably dry.

"Let's have our last group with Jisung, joined by Niki and Jay"

Without hesitation the two boys in Jisung's group stood up. Jisung slowly followed behind taking in a few deep breaths. Unconsciously Jisung looked to Minho. The boy helped calm his nerves last time and so hopefully looking at Minho would do the same again. It did.

As Jisung locked eyes with Minho he gave Jisung a smile and a subtle thumbs up.

"Right then, Jisung what shall you be performing today?" The staff asked glancing down at Han's papers and back up to the boy.

"We'll be performing Crown by Tomorrow X Together"

"Perfect just signal when you are all in position and we'll play the music" Minho spoke up. Jisung made eye contact and pushed down the blush that was rising.

Let out a shaking breath Jisung sat down with his legs stretched out in a V shape ready to perform, glancing to see if Niki and Jay were ready they both gave him a quick smile. The nervous boy then gave a thumbs up ready for the music.

The dance went by so fast Jisung could barely comprehend if he had even made a mistake. But as he was standing up from his position at the end of the dance and giving a quick bow he could tell he had done an okay job considering they were smiling lightly.

"That was perfect thank you" the director spoke up and jotted a few notes down on the papers.

Giving a bow the three boys sat back down.

Jisung sat back and gulped down the last of his water to quench his throat. His legs were shaking, he probably looked a complete nervous wreck next to Jay and Niki who didn't really need to try that hard considering they weren't auditioning.

A staff member who were sat besides the company head stood up and briefly checked their notes.

"For everyone auditioning we will be emailing out the results soon for if you have passed or not. If you haven't we will still be happy to welcome you to some of our open classes as well as keep an eye out for any improvements. You may be selected still, don't give up. Thank you"

The groups all stood collectively bowing before collecting their bags.
Jisung gave a quick goodbye and thanks to Jay and Niki before rushing out of the door. He faintly hear Minho calling his name.

He had to ignore it, the audition had already over run and he needed to get to bubbles for his shift. His dad wouldn't be impressed if he was too late.

Pushing open the door Jisung saw his parents serving a few customers and cleaning away.
"Sorry I'm late!" Jisung apologised as he passed running into the back to change into his purple work shirt.

"It's okay ji, how were auditions?" His mum asked as the big reappeared moments later.

"They went good,I think so anyways" Jisung shrugged slightly as he signed himself into the Cash register.

"Do you know when you'll hear from them?" Jisung's dad spoke up from a table he was clearing.

"I think maybe a couple of weeks"

"At least you can now de-stress"

Jisung nodded and made himself a quick drink before he heard a customer walk in.

Lifting his head he spotted Minho walking through the door.

"Dammit" Jisung muttered under his breath.

Sucking in a breath, Han put on a smile and stood by the register.

"Heyy Sungie, can I get a blackcurrant fruit tea with pomegranate boba please"

Jisung blushed lightly but took the older boys order quickly.
"Uh did you want it in?"

"Nah take out please"

Jisung gave a quick nod and started to make the tea.

"So Jisungie wanna explain why you've been ignoring me?" Minho twirled his card in his hand asking gently.

Jisung finished up making the drink before answering the boy. What as he going to say?! 'Ah yes I've been avoiding you because my feelings for you are very much true and i am an awkward human who doesn't know how to deal with it'

Shaking the thought out the squirrel boy passed over drink.

"I thought you were busy, I mean I guess you may want to spend time with your boyfriend because I realised Hyunjin also used the same dance room as you and I found it awkward I must've been taking up your time every morning so you didn't get to spend it with him" Jisung ranted out.

Minho coughed on his drink when he hears what Jisung was saying.

"Woah woah, Sung, since when did I have a boyfriend?" Minho held up his hand to stop Jisung from talking more.

Wide eyes Jisung blinked. "You and Hyunjin? You kissed at our 3racha party, I thought you had just been keeping it on the down low" Jisung raised an eyebrow.

The older boy let out a light laugh and placed his drink down. "I'm not dating Hyunjin, sure we had a past but what you saw at the party was obviously when we both had too much to drink"
Minho blushed brightly whilst he awkwardly explained his situation.

"But...what?...Hyunjin said you aren't what??" Jisung tried to make sense of it all.

"Look sung if I was taken you would've known about it for sure, I'd be acting very different around you trust me"
Minho winked and picked up his drink.

"Bye Jisungie, thanks for the drink like always"

Jisung stood shell shocked for a few moments.

So Minho and Hyunjin weren't dating? But they had in the past? And Minho would act different if he was taken?

The boy felt like his head was going to explode.

"Jisung come here and help pick out some new colours for the walls" Jisung was shook out his stupor by his mother.


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