Chapter 2.5

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*:・゚✧Jasmine tea with Tapioca Pearls+25%*:・゚✧

Luckily for Jisung he made it to the Lesson on time and so he didn't have to worry about explaining to Ms Kim why he was late.
Jisung found a seat next to a boy with short black hair and braces. Before Jisung could say hi Ms Kim got started on the lesson.

The boy was very grateful he didn't have to introduce himself to the class, either Ms Kim assumed that he was in all the 1st Year classes or she just didn't feel the need to make him stand up and introduce himself.

"Today we will be studying different composers, you will be tasked with an assignment due in a couple of weeks and you shall be writing about the life of said composer and what they have achieved" Ms Kim began to explain.

Jisung quickly jotted down the information given, music theory was definitely a subject he knew he'd find hard. A few other classmates were also taking note of Ma Kim's speech.

"This should be around 2500 words, you may include images and remember to cite your work"

The lesson carried on and Jisung made sure to make notes of a composer he thought would be interesting to research about. The lesson was 2 hours long and so by the end Jisung's stomach was practically begging for food. The boy was so used to stealing food from his kitchen and eating whilst attending his home schooling, these long days were going to tire him so much.

Finally after a next hour and a new aching hand the bell finally rang.
Jisung quickly packed up his bag full of new notebooks and books and made his way out of the classroom. He noticed a few students looking at him.
Jisung gulped and tried to not think about what they would be thinking about him and what they were saying about him.  Chan had given him brief instructions on how to get to the canteen and so Jisung took the main stairs which were right in front of his classroom. It was very busy but everyone seemed to be headed either outside or to what Jisung presumed was the canteen so he followed the stampede.

Getting pushed and shoved he finally spotter Chan and Changbin leaning on a wall outside the canteen. Jisung took note of how a lot of students were looking at them in always awe, as well as keeping their distance.

Chan spotted Jisung ask smiled and gave a short wave as the boy appeared in front of them.
"Hi Jisung!" Chan smiled.

"Hey! I wasn't expecting it to be so busy" Jisung smiled.

"You'll get used to it, let's go inside so we can grab food" Chan smiled and wrapped an arm over Jisung's shoulders pulling him along.
Once again Jisung noticed the stares. Was there something wrong with what he was wearing?

As Jisung was thinking he didn't even realise how Chan,himself and Changbin had just pushed past the whole queue of students waiting for food.

"What do you want ji?" Chan asked

"Umm" Jisung was lost for words he hadn't even had a chance to look at the menu and now he was at the front he didn't want to keep the other  students waiting.
"I'll have whatever you have" Jisung quickly spoke to get his order over and done with.

It was only when he had paid and left the queue when his eyes landed on a piece of chocolate cheesecake. Slightly pouting and sighing Jisung followed the two rappers to a table near the middle. It was empty besides two people who were currently occupying it.

Oh god more people.

Jisung stood awkwardly at the table not sure where to sit, "you can sit anywhere" one of the newer boys spoke up.

Jisung blushed lightly and quickly sat down next to Changbin across from the two new humans.

"Hi! I'm Seungmin" a boy with light brown fluffy hair spoke up and shook Jisung's hand smiling.

"H-hey" Jisung inwardly cringed at his stutter.

Jisung then turned to the boy beside him and noticed the long black hair tied back, he was extremely handsome.
"Hey I'm Hyunjin"

Jisung gave a hi back. The started eating his food and the group managed to get into a nice comfortable conversation about everyone's hobbies so that Jisung to learn more about them.

"What do you do then Jisung?" Changbin asked him.

"Oh... Umm well in my spare time I like making music as you two already know" he directed a look towards the two rappers.
"Otherwise I usually watch documentaries, and then mainly work, I occasionally dance because I'm trying to get into some agencies to be an idol so I need to practice that"

"Oo that's super cool! I dance so if you need any pointers let me know" Hyunjin smiled towards the new boy.

Jisung nodded and smiled, "I also work at my families bubble tea shop"

"Oo what's it's called?" Seungmin asked as he was finishing up some rice from his plate.

"Ahh it's called bubbles, it's actually pretty near here"  Jisung spoke up.

"I guess we have to check it out some time" Chan smiled.

As Changbin was about to speak again a pair of girls came over to the table
"Oh god" Hyunjin whispered and rolled his eyes.

"Hyunjin Oppa!" A girl with shoulder length hair spoke.

"Hi Lia...." Hyunjin smiled in a sarcastic way of that was even possible.

"Oppa can you tutor me in some of my classes I'm failing" she batted her eyelids and played with the ends of her hair.

"I'm busy no" Hyunjin looked down at his food and began eating and ignore the girls look.

The friend next to her took her arm and pulled her away. Jisung heard the friend speak to Lia.

"I told you they are too popular to care about us"

Jisung's eyes widened as he then realised thats why everyone was looking at the group, and why they had let them skip the queue... they must seriously have some power over...

How did Jisung manage to get wrapped up with the popular group!


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