Chapter 25

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*:·゚✧ Jasmine Milk Tea with Tapioca Pearls *:·゚✧

"What do I do Hyung?" Jisung asked into his phone as he was getting ready to go into college. After Minho's confrontation last night he had no idea what was happening, and he was even more confused when he got a text from the older boy promptly calling off their relationship. Confusion was an understatement.

"Just try and find him today okay, you know where he usually hangs out so it should be easy" Chan responded through the phone.

Jisung stopped himself from sighing as he grabbed his bag and went into the kitchen where his parents were already eating breakfast.

"Yeah.. okay, thanks Chan hyung" Jisung ended the call and slumped into his seat.

His parents gave each other knowing looks before they continued to pick at their own food. Jisung grabbed two slices of toast and buttered them generously.

"So did Chan give you any advice?" Juyeon asked her son as she watched him pull apart the toast and bite it slowly.

"He said to look at all the places Minho Hyung would visit during college, he isn't answering my phone calls and so it's the only way I can try and talk to him. Otherwise, it will be at TWave." Jisung explained.

"Hopefully you can find him then" Jisung's father nodded and started to collect the plates regardless of whether Jisung had actually finished his food or not.

Jisung said a quick goodbye and made his way out of the house and through the shop which was yet to be open.

He had planned to arrive slightly earlier than usual to walk down to the dance rooms to see if Minho was using one of them, it's one of the most obvious places Minho would be so when Jisung peers through the windows and sees the room void of any sign of the boy he isn't even surprised.

He didn't have a chance to search the abandoned classroom that morning and so instead walked to his production classroom and collapsed on a beanbag in the corner. Luckily today's lesson was just about writing lyrics and so Jisung stuffed on his headphones and ignored everyone around him.

He played the beat on loop and quickly got to work on writing out some lyrics, it didn't come to any surprise that when he re-read them they were clearly about Minho.

Ripping the page out of his book he screwed it up into a ball and shoved it in his bag to throw away later.

As the bell rang signalling lunch Chan and Changbin strolled over to him as he began packing his headphones, notebook and pen away.

"Hey Ji, you wanna eat with us and the others today?" Changbin asked.

Jisung thought for a moment before responding as they walked out of the classroom and down the main stairs.

"I think I'll just buy my food and look for Minho Hyung again" Jisung shrugged as he followed in tandem as the two older boys joined the queue. Searching the different food options Jisung settled for a strawberry sandwich and a slice of cheesecake in the hopes it would lift his spirits ever so slightly. He also grabbed a bottle of Ramune.

He said a quick goodbye to his hyungs and headed up two floors hoping to spot Minho. As he walked he made sure to keep his eyes peeled for the older even though it was unlikely he could hide away in a crowd so easily.

He passed up the stairs and soon reached the abandoned floor, he peered in through the classroom door and let out a sigh when he noticed it was empty. Of course, it was.

Pushing the door open he stepped in and planted himself on one of the chairs and placed his food down on the wooden desks.

Maybe he was just early and Minho would arrive later.

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