Chapter 7

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*:・゚✧ Almond Milk Tea *:・゚✧

Jisung was sat in a booth in the corner of bubbles taking his break, with a half drunk bubble tea and his laptop, he was finally finishing some work needed for his class. As he was doing so the bell rang signalling a new customer. Glancing up he noted it was Minho, Jisung could've probably told you this as the older boy came in around the same time on the days he visited.

Wearing black joggers and a loose white top the boy was clearly coming after dance practice, Jisung watched as he followed Minho to the counter where Felix and another girl who worked called Mako.

Minho leant forward ordering a tea and also began talking to Felix who pointed in the general direction of where Jisung was sitting. Minho whipped his head around and the two made eye contact. Quickly Jisung looked away and suddenly found the straw of his boba extremely interest.

He prayed Minho didn't actually spot him staring.

"Take a picture next time" A voice spoke besides Jisung causing him to jump.

Clutching his chest he turned to Minho who was chuckling, "Seriously Minho hyung" Jisung let out a breathe.

"This seat taken?" Minho pointed to the space opposite Jisung.

"O-oh um no" Jisung stuttered out,taking a long sip of his boba.

Minho smiled and sat down facing Jisung sipping on his own drink before putting his gym bag on the ground.

"How's your classes going?" Minho asked as he pulled out his phone checking the message that had pinged.

"Stressful, tiring, long" Jisung listed as he stared at the essay he should've written the other day but procrastinated doing it.

"sounds like the dance class I just had"Minho chuckled, "I'm assuming you haven't heard back yet from the company"

"Nope, and I can't tell if that's a good sign or a bad sign" Jisung sighed closing his laptop. Placing his hands on top.

"Well in my experience, no news is good news. Unless they are just incredibly slow at sending out rejection letters" Minho smiled encouragingly.

"It's more about the fact if I get to do the dance auditions then I will have to think of choreo and music and perfect it in time for the audition. I spent months preparing for my rap and vocals"

Minho sighed softly and reached over and squeezed Jisung's hand gently making the younger boy look up.

"I can always help, I'll even choreograph it for you, less stress for you then" Minho offered a smile.

Jisung was shocked, Minho was offering to do that?!

"Are you sure hyung? I mean i'm sure you have lots of other stuff to do instead"

"Look Ji, If it's going to make you less stressed then i'll definitely help" Minho squeezed his hand one last time before standing.

"I should get back to practice, here's my number and you can message me if you want help" Minho took Jisung's phone and typed in his number, sending a message to himself so he has it as well.

"Oh and good luck with your performance tomorrow, I can't wait to see it!" Minho ruffled the frozen boys hair before walking away with his bag and bubble tea.

Jisung snapped back to it when he heard the bell chime motioning that Minho had left. He had just been given, Lee Minho's number....

Glancing at the number Jisung noted how Minho had saved his contact ' Min 💓'

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