Chapter 5

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*:·゚✧Phoenix Birthday drink with  Strawberry Boba *:·゚✧

It was another slow day at Bubbles. Felix had taken the day off because he had too much work to catch up on and Jisung's parents didn't mind giving the boy a day off. Jisung sometimes thought they favoured him over their own son.

Jisung was sitting behind the counter reading over his lyrics for his audition song. He still had a couple of weeks until his audition but because he was performing a new song he wanted to practice a lot. Especially because the song had a lot of high notes.  Jisung began playing the song softly out of his phone, bopping his head along to it as he softly rapped along.

"You sure you're not a vocalist?"He was for immersed in the song Jisung didn't hear the bell ring signalling a new visitor.

Jisung practically jumped out of his skin at the sound of a familiar voice. His head shooting up and hand on his chest Jisung's eyes met with those of the boy from the other week. He was dressed on joggers and a loose shirt. This time wearing glasses. Jisung had to stop himself from staring. 

"O-oh hi" Jisung gulped and quickly paused his music. 

"I thought you said you were a rapper?" The boy spoke up. 

"ahh, yeah I mainly rap, just occasionally singing" Jisung looked down trying to to make eye-contact.

The boy who had walked in was now looking at the menu before he spoke up once more, "Oh you do birthday drinks?" 

Jisung nodded as he unlocked the till., "Uh, yeah basically any of the ones underneath the birthday sign you can get for free if it's your birthday" Jisung quickly explained.

"Can I get the Phoenix drink with strawberry boba?"

Jisung smiled and quickly typed in the order before turning around to begin making the drink. He almost grimaced at how much he hated making the birthday drinks. All the different flavours, creams, sprinkles. Everything about them was annoying, not to mention having to make them pretty. 

Jisung focused on the drink making sure it was perfect, this time not spilling any when the unnamed boy spoke again.

"Your auditions are soon right?"

Jisung was faced away from the boy but raised and eyebrow at the question, how did he know that the auditions were soon.

"yeah, in a couple of weeks" Jisung finished up the drink and passed it over the counter, "Happy Birthday!" 

"you do realise it's not my birthday' the boy took a sip of his drink.

"wha-but you asked-" Jisung looked confused. 

The older boy chuckled, "I'm kidding, it's my birthday but you never asked for proof"

Jisung let out a small 'oh' as he realised that he probably should've checked. Noting the boys attire Jisung was confused as to why he was alone on his birthday.

"Aren't you hanging out with friends or family for your birthday though?" Jisung questioned as he drank his own tea.

"Well let's just say I was dancing and my parents are both too busy today with their own work, although I ate lunch with my dad earlier". 

"Oh that must suck" Jisung pouted slightly. He noticed Minho didn't mention his friends and so he decided to not mention it. 

"It's fine,I'm used to it by now. Besides I was busy myself with a dance lesson and such" The black haired boy waved it off. 

"You now have an amazing bubble tea as well" Jisung joked, he was slowly becoming more comfortable with the boy.

"haha yes, thank you. It was amazing" the boy chuckled and placed down his empty glass,"I should get back to my dance practice, but thanks for the drink and good luck with your auditions if I don't see you before" 

Jisung grabbed the empty glass and thanked the boy, as he was walking towards the door Jisung shouted out. "Happy Birthday by the way uhh-" 

"Minho, Lee Minho" The boy winked a left the shop.

Finally a name to the face.

The next day at College Jisung was leaning against the wall with Felix near the entrance. They were waiting on Hyunjin and Seungmin. Felix had been introduced to the group the other day when he needed to talk to Jisung about work during the lunch time. 

"Lix, you should audition for dance" Jisung continued to persuade the freckled boy to audition with him at companies. For different departments but they were both on at the same time. Jisung would have to audition for dance as well because he was auditioning for an 'idol' entree.  

"I'll think about it, besides it is going to be hard to get into the compa-" Felix was shut off by a large bang of the college doors slamming opening. 

At first Jisung and Felix couldn't see who it was but from the gasps and the students quickly moving out of the way he guessed it could be Chan or Changbin. Possibly Seungmin and Hyunjin. But it was the complete opposite.

The boy who was walking in was dressed in black leather pants, a plain white shirt and a gucci jacket. He had a bag hanging over one shoulder and another black cap on his head.  He was also wearing a mask to cover his face half of the way.

Jisung could hear whispers among the older students.

"He's back?"

"I thought he moved?"

"Lee Minho's back" 

"It's Minho Oppa!"

It's only when Jisung here's the name he starts to attempt to get a glimpse of the boy who he had served at Bubbles. 

Minho was really friendly and approachable, there's no way it's the same person. Besides Minho and Lee are a popular combination.

This "Lee Minho' ignored all the stares and comments and carried on walking past all the students and straight to the dance studios. 

"who is Lee Minho?" Jisung questioned Felix who was checking the college news feed which already had pictures of said 'Minho'

"Apparently he's like a really good dancer, but super cold towards everyone. According to this he doesn't really have any friends but he's always seen in the dance studios" Felix showed Jisung an article about the boy.

"That can't be the same Minho" Jisung mumbled.

"Same Minho?" Felix asked as the pair began making their way to their first lessons no longer waiting for Hyunjin and Seungmin. 

"uh- yeah, at Bubbles, he came in twice when you haven't been working and we were talking and everything. It was actually his birthday yesterday" Jisung smiled lightly.

"They definitely don't seem the same" Felix wondered out loud

who are you Lee Minho?


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